Sky Muster and Sky Muster Plus (or nbn’s Satellite Services) provide fast broadband coverage to around 430,000 homes and small businesses across regional, rural and remote Australia and its islands.
The 3rd edition of this extensive, easy to understand guide is now available for download in PDF and Word formats.
It covers topics such as:
Read more: Satellite - Sky Muster Guide 3rd Edition
Write comment (0 Comments)If you live in an urban area, it is likely that your home phone services will no longer be provided on Telstra’s network. Instead they will be provided over the NBN.
This means that even if you only want to keep your home phone service, you still need to connect to the NBN.
Read more: Connecting and Using Your NBN Home Phone Service
Write comment (0 Comments)Once you have chosen an NBN home internet plan, your telco will organise to have your home connected to the NBN.
Getting connected may differ depending on your home and the area you live in.
Read more: Connecting and Troubleshooting Your NBN Home Internet Service
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The National Broadband Network (NBN) is Australia’s wholesale internet provider. This means that when you sign up for an NBN plan, you will need to order the service through a telco (e.g. Telstra, Optus, Vodafone etc.).
Read more: Choosing an Internet Plan
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