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ACCAN’s 2025 Election Platform
A fairer future for communications
Australians deserve communications and digital services that are affordable, reliable, and deliver on their promises. Rising costs, a lack of transparency, and inadequate consumer protections are leaving many behind. We're campaigning for a fairer communications market, where everyone can afford to stay connected and digital giants are held accountable. It's time for real action to ensure access to essential communication services isn't a privilege, but a right.
Learn how we’re fighting for your communications needs, see our election campaign asks.
Read more: A fairer future for communications
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The opinion piece below was written by ACCAN CEO Carol Bennett for The Canberra Times and Australian Community Media. It was originally published on 29 January 2025.
One of the most important bills to come before the Federal Parliament prior to the looming election will be a proposed framework for preventing scams.
Ahead of the parliamentary debate there seems a lot of discussion about ensuring there are adequate protections - but for who?
Read more: New anti-scam laws are a rip off, unless you're a bank or big business
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The opinion piece below was written by ACCAN CEO Carol Bennett for the Canberra Times. It was originally published on 13 December 2024.
Australians will go to the polls in the first half of next year with the cost-of-living crisis dominating the political agenda.
The skyrocketing costs of essentials have hit people hard. The housing crisis has sent rents spiralling, and supermarkets have been accused of price gouging on essential food items. The eye-watering cost of electricity and other utilities is also hitting hard.
Read more: Essential communications unaffordable for too many
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The opinion piece below was written by ACCAN CEO Carol Bennett for the Sun Herald. It was originally published on 28 November 2024.
Imposing a ban on social media for those under 16 years of age won’t be simple and it certainly won’t be a silver bullet. But it is the right thing to do.
The government’s proposed ban has polarised policymakers, the media and experts. It has also become a 'play thing’ of the politicking that is now reaching a new levels as we approach an election in early 2025.
Read more: Four reasons for the social media youth ban
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The government has proposed banning Australian children under the age of 16 from using social media platforms. If passed, children would no longer be able to use platforms such as:
- X (formerly Twitter)
- TikTok
- Snapchat
Read more: The under-16’s social media ban
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The opinion piece below was written by ACCAN CEO Carol Bennett for the Canberra Times. It was originally published on 13 November 2024.
Australian consumers can be forgiven for feeling angry and disgusted at the behaviour of Australia's second-largest telco - Optus - for mis-selling products to vulnerable consumers.
Australia's consumer watchdog has launched court action alleging that Optus rorted consumers by pushing the sale of products they did not want, need or understand, and pursued many for debts resulting from these sales.
Read more: Internet and phone access can be a matter of life and death
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On Friday 11 October, ACCAN CEO Carol Bennett and Deputy CEO Dr. Gareth Downing appeared before the Environment and Communications Legislation Committee. The Committee was hearing views on the Communications Legislation Amendment (Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation) Bill 2024.
The full transcript of their appearance can be found below, or on the Parliament of Australia website.
Read more: ACCAN Evidence to the Senate Hearing into Misinformation and Disinformation Laws
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The opinion piece below was written by ACCAN CEO Carol Bennett for the Canberra Times and Australian Community Media about draft anti-scams legislation. It was originally published on 27 September 2024.
Australians lost $2.7 billion to scams in 2023. These are scams we know about - the true losses are likely to be far greater.
The federal government has recently published draft scams prevention legislation (the Scams Prevention Framework), which will be put to the Parliament this year.
Read more: The government's scams prevention legislation has one critical flaw
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On 13 September 2024, ACCAN, the Consumer Action Law Centre, CHOICE and Super Consumers Australia welcomed an announcement from the Albanese Government that consultation on a draft bill - the proposed Scams Prevention Framework - will start today. The joint statement can be found below.
“I congratulate Assistant Treasurer Stephen Jones and the Albanese Government for pushing ahead with these scam reforms, and imposing tough obligations on industry to protect consumers, I want to thank him for this important work,” Consumer Action Law Centre CEO Stephanie Tonkin said.
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Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Australian Communications Consumer Action Network Limited (ACCAN) will be held via Zoom, on Thursday 26th September 2024 from 4pm.
Date: Thursday 26 September 2024
Time: 4pm (AEST)
Venue: Virtual Meeting via Zoom. Please register here by 24 September 2024
Read more: Notice of Annual General Meeting
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The opinion piece below was written by ACCAN CEO Carol Bennett for the Canberra Times and Australian Community Media about the 3G shutdown. It was originally published on 19 August 2024.
Many Australians are doing it tough right now and the challenges confronting rural and remote parts of the country are especially acute.
The bush has always struggled to secure essential services, be it doctors, teachers or trades. Communications services are equally essential.
Read more: Mobile phone overhaul literally a matter of life and death
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Nominations close Tuesday, 27th August 2024, 4:00 pm AEST (Sydney).
ACCAN is seeking nominations for Directors to fill two (2) vacancies on its Board.
In accordance with the ACCAN Constitution, the 2024-2025 ACCAN Board will consist of nine (9) members[1]. Seven (7) positions are continuing Directors from the 2023-2024 Board. One (1) Director is retiring from the Board having completed two full terms and is ineligible for re-election in 2024-25. One (1) Director has completed the first full term and is eligible for re-election. In accordance with Section 20 of the ACCAN Constitution, Board members are elected for a three-year term.
Read more: Call for nominations for the ACCAN Board
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