Throughout our lives, we accumulate a variety of assets. In the past, these have traditionally included things such as houses, cars, finances and other tangible possessions. These assets are considered when drawing up a will in the event of our passing.
Today, as our lives include a greater number of digital accounts, ownership of digital products, and use of digital services, there are significant implications for what is considered our personal property, and how it is archived, inherited or deleted.
Through the use of social media, cloud-based accounts, personal blogs and websites, email and messaging services, as well as the accumulation of online collections of photos, videos and music, we create a digital identity and a digital legacy. These new assets raise questions as to what happens to our digital legacy when a person dies.
Using content from the University of Melbourne's report - "Death and the Internet", ACCAN has prepared a guide to 21st century estate planning, including tips on how to manage your digital legacy.
Download:ACCAN Digital Legacy Brochure.pdf790.12 KB
Download: ACCAN Digital Legacy Brochure22.35 KB
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