The presentations and transcripts of all M-Enabling Australasia 2013 sessions are now available. M-Enabling Australasia 2013, held on 14-15 August 2013, brought together the who's who of disability advocacy, policy makers, manufacturers, developers, service providers and consumers to discuss how to make technology more accessible for people with disability and older consumers.

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The Australian Human Rights Commission and the Australian Communications Consumer Action Network are delighted to announce a new accessible app challenge, Apps For All.

The Australian Communications Consumer Action Network today called for new legislation that would mandate minimum standards around accessibility for content and communications services, which is necessary to ensure no Australians are excluded from the digital age.

Watch our YouTube videos featuring some of Australia’s best-known disability advocates talking about the technologies and apps that have changed their lives as well as their daily frustrations of dealing with websites and apps that haven’t been made accessible to people with disability.

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The following table contains useful disabilty contacts:

The following information is for the Disability Equipment Programs offered by Telcos.

Relevant legislation

Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) is the Australian telecommunications regulator overseeing among other things:

  • The Telecommunications Act 1997
  • the Telecommunications (Consumer Protection and Service Standards) Act 1999
  • The Telecommunications (Equipment for the Disabled) Regulations 1998

People with disabilities have the right to access voice telephony, or an equivalent, under the Universal Service Obligation (USO).

ACCAN has welcomed the Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) proposal for a Fair Use exception to copyright. We also point out some potential concerns with the ALRC Discussion Paper.

Major Australian consumer advocacy organisations have launched a campaign to “kill CAPTCHA”, the annoying and discriminatory tests used by websites to prove users are human.

ACCAN and Telstra's M-Enabling Australasia 2013 conference, being held on 14-15 August in Sydney, will feature a technology showcase where you'll be able to get your hands on an array of accessible products including an indoor mapping app for the blind and the SOS Mobile Watch for the elderly.

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The backlash by industry groups against long-overdue data breach reporting laws would be worrying if it wasn’t so predictable.

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The Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN) has urged both sides of federal politics to commit to a whole-of-government accessible IT procurement policy, which has been recommended in the final report of the IT pricing inquiry.