In November 2013, the Minister for Communications called for identification of areas for possible regulatory reform as part of the Federal Government’s policy to streamline the impact of regulation on business, government and the community.

Australians need fast reliable broadband as soon as possible so we don't fall behind other economies around the world. The Coalition's election pledge on broadband was to use a mix of technologies to speed up the rollout of the NBN and provide all Australians with download speeds of at least 25mbps by the end of 2016. The minimum speed accessible to all was promised to rise to 50mbps by the end of 2019 for 90% of those living in the fixed-line footprint (FTTP, FTTN and HFC).

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Front cover of Summer 2013 ACCAN Magazine. Picture used is silhouette of man holding mobile phone.

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Lime Telecom, a pre-paid calling card operator, has been directed to comply with the industry's code having ignored a prior warning from the regulator. The ACMA has found the service provider consistently failed to provide consumers with basic information on prices, expiry dates and fees.

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ACCAN commissioned ACA Research to analyse the global roaming charges of 12 popular providers across the top ten overseas destinations visited short-term by Australian residents. The research took place during July and August 2013 but was was updated with new pricing details in September and October 2013.

Anglicare Victoria's Hardship Survey 2013, part-funded by ACCAN, surveyed 325 low-income clients regarding their access to telecommunications and whether they struggle to afford these services. Participants were taken from across 25 emergency relief and financial counselling services in metropolitan and non-metropolitan Victoria.

ACCAN, Australia's peak body for communications consumers, congratulates Telstra on its plan to delete discriminatory online CAPTCHA tests from its websites and encourages other providers and businesses to follow suit.

ACCAN has made a submission to the Australian Law Reform Commission inquiry into the protection of privacy in the digital era. The inquiry examined how a proposed introduction of a statutory cause of action for serious invasions of privacy might be designed.

ACCAN has made a submission to the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (TIO) 'Publishing Comparative Complaints Data' Inquiry. The inquiry asked whether the TIO should contextualise the complaints it receives by the number of 'services in operation' for each telecommunications provider.

Black and white Wi-Fi sticker in window

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Wi-Fi is a cheap and easy way to connect your devices to each other and to the internet without running cables throughout your home or office. However, because Wi-Fi is sent through the air, it is important to take steps to secure your network and devices.

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ACCAN has recently upgraded its website. If you're having trouble viewing any pages, please press [ctrl] + [F5].

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The Great Enablar cover page

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