Key Dates

Join our Independent Grants Panel:
Expressions of Interest due: Oct 11, 2024.
> Information about our Panel 

Next Grant Round:
Applications for funding should open Jan 2025. 
> Information about our Grants Program
We can help:
or phone 02 9288 4000

Who can apply?

Eligible projects come from a range of applicants, such as community organisations, local councils and universities – all you need is an ABN and some great ideas. Check our website to see previous grant recipients. We strongly encourage partnerships, especially those that ensure that consumers are appropriately represented in your work.

What is eligible?

Eligible projects address systemic communications consumer issues.

A communications consumer issue is one that is systemic, persistent and generally widespread, affecting consumers in their use of telecommunications, internet and digital platforms services. The issue could be something that affects the general public or it might be an issue affecting a particular part of the community such as children, older people, or people with disabilities, but preferably one where multiple sectors would benefit from a solution.

It could be a project that addresses consumer rip-offs or people getting into debt over their phone or internet usage. Or you may be studying the regulatory space for communications services in Australia. These are just some examples. Whatever your project, it fills an identified gap and improves telecommunications goods, services or information for Australian consumers.

Make sure you have a look at ACCAN's strategic plan, our policy priorities and website before applying.

What won't get funded?

We often see applications which use apps, websites or other technologies to benefit Australian consumers in some other way eg. to improve their health, educate them about community services, or deliver arts or wellbeing programs. While these are all worthwhile projects, they do NOT fall within ACCAN's remit and would be deemed ineligible under the ACCAN Grants Program. Your project needs to demonstrate outcomes for communications consumers.

We do not fund the purchase of ICT equipment for personal or organisational use. 

Questions to ask yourself:

  1. How does my project improve the purchase or use of phone, internet and digital communications in Australia?

  2. Are my outcomes in the communications sector? Is my project directed at telcos, digital platforms, telecommunications regulators, government or consumers with regards to their communications use?  - If so, then your project is likely within scope. If your aim is to influence other sectors, such as health, then your project is ineligible.

 ACCAN's scope generally does NOT include content, unless that content is related to communications eg. phone plans, billing, privacy of telco contracts, consumer rights with regard to phone or internet services.

If you're unsure if your project fits our Program, or even if you're sure it does, talk to us. If you give us enough time, we may even be able to provide feedback on application drafts.

For the full list of eligibility criteria, see the Guidelines.

Will ACCAN fund overheads?

No - sorry.

ACCAN won't fund overheads, such as administration levies, general office space and so on. We don’t cover normal operating costs for an organisation to do its business either. The grant program funds project activity towards specific outputs.

We do cover all costs that are directly attributable to the project itself, e.g. project labour, project management, project accounting, or even office space and room hire if it can be justified as directly attributable to the project.

It all depends on how clearly the cost is related to the project - If you weren’t doing this project would the cost still exist? If yes, then we can’t cover it. Is it an arbitrary levy added by your organisation on top of the project? If yes, we can't cover it. We only cover costs for activities inside the project.

Will ACCAN fund teaching buyout?

Not normally. If you would like to request ACCAN funding for teaching relief, please ensure your application clearly justifies the need. 

What should I put in the budget?


If you are invited to submit a Full Application, you will need to submit a fully costed budget. You must show all sources of income for the project, plus how all of the income will be spent. Income and expenditure must be equal.


If your organisation or partners are contributing cash or in-kind support, or if you have another grant for this project, include them in your Income table.


In the expenses table, list all costs directly associated with the project. You may need to fund a graphic designer, Auslan interpreters, pay for travel, printing, or room hire. Think through all the things you will need to make your project a success. If you have included in-kind in the income, then make sure you include it as part of the total expenditure. 

Only include travel that has been demonstrated as necessary for your project, and this needs to be well justified. Simply presenting results at a conference is not sufficient justification as the activities must form an integral part of the project.

Remember to show that you have made your project accessible for people using assistive technologies. This may include budget for professional services to ensure document accessibility, live captioners for events or videos, or transcription services. Please talk with us if you would like some guidance. 

Do I include GST?


All budget items should exclude GST. If you are successful, GST will be paid in addition to the amount you apply for.


All digital content produced under the Grants Program needs to conform to WCAG 2.2 accessibility principles. This means that all documents, videos, images, webpages etc. are designed to be accessible for people using assistive technologies. For example:

  • Alt text is included on images, tables, graphics, etc;
  • Font and Heading Styles are used consistently in written work
  • Videos contain captions and audio description, or a transcript.

Ensure your application demonstrates your plan for this, or if some resources are intended to not be made accessible, your justification. ACCAN staff can provide guidance before you apply.

If you are funded, ACCAN will meet with you early in your project to confirm your plans for accessibility. We have accessibly-formatted Word templates that we can share with you for writing reports, or if you will be using a graphic designer or web developer without experience in accessibility, we can highlight the key design features they’ll need to consider.
To understand more about accessibility, and for practical guides, please visit the following:

Additional resources

  • Tips for writing applications and avoiding common grant-writing mistakes.
  • GrantEd guides to writing applications.
  • Other grants from the Commonwealth.

Top Tips

  • Ensure your project fits: Is it really a telecommunications project? Does it satisfy one of the listed priorities? Read the Guidelines well, and contact us to discuss your project idea.

  • Write in clear, simple English: avoid jargon and long-winded sentences. Say exactly what you're going to do.

  • Be specific: Rather than "a large number of consumers will benefit" say "150 consumers in the Armidale community will access tailored digital literacy training programs."

  • Balance your budget: Income needs to equal expenditure. Include all cash and in-kind contributions. Be realistic about what time and resources you will need. This shows you have thought things through.

  • Demonstrate that you understand the context for your project  - what gap are you filling in terms of the research and other work that already exists? Check other published work, including ACCAN's research, and government bodies such as communications regulators.

  • Clearly explain how your project differs from other related projects that exist. This is particularly important for projects involving cyber-safety and digital literacy training. This is because the Australian government and other not-for-profits are addressing these issues through various training programs. If you see a gap or a limitation to these resources, explain why and how your project is addressing a significant gap. Ensure you refer to the ACCAN resources already available. If you are developing new materials, how will they complement what's already 'out there'?

  • Clearly explain the future your project will have after our funding ceases. Do you expect the work to continue in any way? What provisions have you included in your planning to ensure this can happen?

  • Look through our previous grants projects to get a better understanding of what and who we fund.