According to industry newsletter Communications Day, the government is now expecting to receive the much anticipated Vertigan Review (formally known as the NBN cost-benefit analysis and review of regulatory arrangements) early in July and plans to make a public release of the report before the end of the month.

Tuesday 1 July 10.00am

The Australian Communications Consumer Action Network welcomes today's announcement that telcos will make mobile calls to 1800 numbers free of charge, but says it will hold the industry to its commitments regarding 1300 numbers.


'Collections & Hardship Programs in Utilities, Banks & Telecommunications: Exploring best practice in hardship programs and collections across four sectors'

Thank you for the invitation to speak today.

As some of you may know ACCAN stands for the Australian Communications Consumer Action Network. We are the peak body for consumer representation and advocacy in communications.

Women's Legal Services NSW

Project title: Technology-facilitated stalking and abuse

Grant round: 2014

Grant: $54,123.40

Vision Australia

Project title: Document Accessibility Toolbar (DAT)

Grant round: 2014

Grant: $34,158

Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University

Project title: Personal Cloud Use in Australia: Consumer expectations, experience and impact on communications consumption

Grant round: 2014

Grant: $38,699.60

Queensland Remote Aboriginal Media

Project title: Yarning and Learning: Communication use and issues in remote Indigenous communities

Grant round: 2014

Grant: $42,100

Justice Connect

Project title: Don't just sign on the dotted line

Grant round: 2014

Grant: $40,113

Australian National University: School of Accounting and Business Information Systems

Project title: Competition and comparability in the consumer mobile telecommunications sector

Grant round: 2014

Grant: $30,806

Structural changes to the communications market were one of a package of reforms in the 1993 Hilmer Review, which substantially improved competition in the Australian market. This led to a proliferation of consumer choice from the government owned monopoly, Telecom, to the diverse array of competitors Australian consumers have access to today.

ACCAN has responded to the ACMA's consultation on proposals for deregulatory reform in telecommunications reporting requirements.