
Peak communications consumer body ACCAN has welcomed the announcement by Communications Minister Stephen Conroy that consumers will soon receive SMS alerts about global roaming costs when they travel overseas.

In our submission to this Inquiry into Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Bill 2012, ACCAN has raised a number of concerns regarding credit reporting arrangements, relay services and cross-border disclosure arrangements.

The ACCAN 2012 National Conference program includes an exciting innovation: a consumer-oriented Technology Expo.  ACCAN’s TEXPO is not the usual trade show, but a targeted, in-depth showcase of carefully selected technologies of interest to a broad range of consumers.

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ACCAN is accepting Expressions of Interest to fill a vacancy on its Independent Grants Panel.  The role of the Panel is to assess eligible applications to the ACCAN Independent Grants Scheme and recommend the strongest to the ACCAN Board for funding.

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In this submission ACCAN  provides comment on the system that accredits and regulates domain name registrars and resellers in Australia. 

Communications Compliance, a newly created industry monitoring body set up to monitor telco compliance with the new Telecommunications Consumer Protection Code, is seeking nominations or recommendations from consumer bodies for a consumer director to sit on its Board. 

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A lively two-day event being held in Alice Springs this Thursday and Friday (26th-27th July) will focus on the unique communications needs of people living and working in remote Australia and how best to deliver them. The event will include representatives from Federal, state and territory governments, NBN Co, members of the Regional Telecommunications Independent Review Committee, community organisations, researchers and technical specialists.

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Great news! Australia’s first-ever audio described television will be broadcast on ABC1 from August 5 this year. Audio Description (AD) is an additional verbal commentary that complements the existing soundtrack of a program for people who are blind or vision impaired. It is a narration that explains what is happening visually on screen during a television program.

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In this submission to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee Inquiry into the Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Bill 2012, ACCAN comments on some aspects of the Credit Reporting Schedule and makes recommendations regarding how privacy matters should be handled. 

Ensuring the security of multiple online accounts might seem like a big task, but it is important you do not use the same password for all of your accounts.

Data breaches of well-known websites are becoming more common, and using the same password across multiple accounts puts you at risk of cyber-criminals accessing your banking, social media accounts and other personal information.

Here are some tips for creating strong, unique passwords that will keep your personal information safe online:

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There is a wide gap between the pricing of certain IT products sold in Australia and identical products sold in other markets. This submission focuses on how these price differences have an impact on basic consumer protections, small businesses and people with disability.

The Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN) says telecommunications customers should expect to see improvements in customer service, complaint handling and a reduction in the number of customers experiencing “bill shock” if the new Telecommunications Consumer Protection (TCP) Code is effectively enforced.