
ACCAN has made a submission to the Australian Law Reform Commission arguing that copyright law needs to be made fairer and easier for consumers to understand.

This document presents findings from a quantitative investigation into consumer experiences, perceptions and concerns in the communications market.

ACCAN has been asked to nominate two consumer representatives to sit on the Communications Compliance Advisory Committee. Communications Compliance is a newly formed company established to monitor telecommunication industry compliance with the recently approved Telecommunications Consumer Protections (TCP) Code.

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Do you want quality captions on TV?

Do you watch TV with closed captions turned on? How often have you given up trying to follow a television program because the captions were too confusing? Have you ever wanted to have the power to make captions better for yourself and other people who rely on them?

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More than 60 disability and consumer advocacy organisations and thousands of individuals nationwide have supported the campaign for a permanent audio description service on television.

The Australian Broadcasting Corporation has just concluded the first-ever Australian trial of a television audio description service, which ran for 13 weeks on ABC1.

ACCAN would like to invite our members, financial counsellors and others to attend a "Your Rights" workshop being hosted by ACCAN Chief Executive, Teresa Corbin. Ms Corbin will explain what rights Australian phone and internet customers in relation to common issues such as bill shock, mobile phone and internet contracts and how to make an effective complaint.

National Telework Week is running from 12 to 16 November 2012. Telework is working regularly from a place other than the office, in most cases from a home office. During National Telework Week businesses are encouraged to trial telework by allowing their employees to work remotely for one or more days during the week and register their involvement online.

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Peak consumer group ACCAN says annual report data released by the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (TIO) today shows the number of customers who have gone to the TIO about an unexpectedly high bill has doubled over the past year.

Young woman upset at receiving high billDownload: docReceived an unexpectedly high bill56.5 KB

Download: pdfReceived an unexpectedly high bill319.78 KB

Many phone providers have a limit on how many calls you can make, texts you can send and data you can use each month. If you go over your limit you could be charged extra fees. These fees can be very expensive and it is best to avoid going over your limit if you can. See our tip sheet on how to avoid smartphone bill shock for more information.

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The Australian Health Workforce Institute (AHWI) at The University of Melbourne conducted a study exploring how people from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds living in one region within Melbourne’s North use telecommunications (telephones and the internet) to access health information. In particular the team wanted to know whether members of these communities use landline telephones, mobile phones and/or the internet to access information about health and well-being, and health services, and determine any particular needs or characteristics of this group in accessing health care providers and information.

Transcript of the speech given by ACCAN Chief Executive Teresa Corbin at the CommsDay Melbourne Congress.

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In response to emerging concerns around issues such as illegal downloading, ACCAN believes consumers’ interests must be represented in relation to copyright policy. As the peak consumer body representing communications consumers, we think it is important that we clarify our position on these issues and explain how we arrived at it.