
The peak telecommunications consumer advocacy group, ACCAN, is today launching a free smartphone app that will allow mobile phone customers to test their reception and log where and when they are experiencing call dropouts, delayed text messages and slow internet so they can make a complaint to their provider.

Australian consumers must currently pay a monthly fee of $2.93 or more to make sure that their phone number won't be released by directory assistance or be made available in the White Pages. The fee effectively charges people for their privacy and is a particular problem for low-income consumers and victims of crime, harassment or violence. ACCAN's position is that the fee should be removed for all consumers.

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Remember: Use WiFi to watch this if you can]

Download: docHow to use less data on your smartphone60.5 KB

Download: pdfHow to use less data on your smartphone124.99 KB

Smartphones can chew through your data allowance without you realising it. This can be because data-hungry apps are left open or simply due to default settings on your phone.

It can be very expensive if you go over your monthly data allowance. Our blog post on excess mobile data charges outlines what some of the telcos charge for going over your mobile data allowance.

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ACCAN is acutely aware of the low labour market participation for Australians living with disability. Our research in the area of inclusive information and communications technologies indicates that accessible ICT can overcome many of the barriers to employment faced by people with disability.

New research out today documents the experience of people living in one of the first areas to receive the National Broadband Network (NBN), including their attitudes toward the NBN, downloading habits, internet speeds, devices per household and how much they pay for a phone and internet service.

New research from the University of Melbourne and Swinburne University has found that 82% of households in the NBN first release site of Brunswick, Victoria, think the NBN is a good idea.

When the trial of audio description (AD) ended on 5 November last year, Communications Minister Senator Stephen Conroy acknowledged the strong desire for the service to continue and agreed to work together with all parties towards establishing a permanent AD service on Australian TV in the future.

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We experienced problems with our website this morning (26/02/13). Our site should be back to normal, if you experience any problems please email info (at) accan.org.au

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Peak telecommunications consumer group ACCAN says customers who want swift action for the Vodafone network’s service outages in 2010 and 2011 should contact the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (TIO). 

Peak consumer group ACCAN says it is pleased with the announcement by Telstra today that it intends to waive a $2.93 monthly silent line fee for people who are under a protection order or at risk of violence.

Many apps improve our life – we can get directions in a strange city, play Scrabble with friends on another continent or access app-exclusive content for our favourite magazine. Still, consumers need better information about how apps use personal information or structure in-app purchases. 


With the financial support of ACCAN, Deaf Australia, the national peak organisation for Deaf people in Australia, is undertaking a national online survey about mobile phone usage by Deaf people. If you are Deaf or hard of hearing, take the survey and be in the running to win an iPad mini.

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