
ACCAN is pleased to announce the appointment of two new members to its Standing Advisory Committees, Ms Karin Ness and Ms Catherine Clark. ACCAN has two Standing Advisory Committees: the Standing Advisory Committee on Consumer Affairs (SACCA), and Standing Advisory Committee on Disability Issues (SACDI). The Committees' members provide guidance and expertise on current and emerging communications issues affecting consumers.

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This submission is ACCAN's response to the Attorney-General's Department's draft Inclusive Communication Guidelines for Emergency Managers, designed to improve access to information and communication for people with disability during times of emergency.

ACCAN is pleased that the Attorney-General’s Department, among other organisations, is working on ways to ensure access to communications and information for people with disability during times of emergency. Our submission notes a number of ways that emergency managers can ensure equitable access.

Payphones are an important public resource and it is vital that the community can rely on clear and fair guidelines for removal or location decisions. The guidelines proposed by the ACMA do not capture all community concerns and are unfairly weighted to commercial considerations. 

This submission is ACCAN's response to a review of the Integrated Public Number Database (IPND) conducted by the Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy.

Peak consumer body ACCAN says current and ex Vodafone customers will be left shaking their heads today when they discover that, 12 months on, the telecommunications regulator has let the provider off virtually scot-free for the widespread network, complaint-handling problems that plagued Vodafone customers last summer.

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The Regional Telecommunications Review is an independent review that takes place every three years to consider whether people in regional, rural and remote parts of Australia have equitable access to telecommunications.


 The ACMA Communications Report 2010-11 was released today. This major piece of research provides a snapshot of the communications services available and the preferences of Australian consumers. Here’s some key statistics that may be of interest to ACCAN members:

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The Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN) says while it is appropriate that Privacy Commissioner Timothy Pilgrim has launched an investigation into the latest Telstra privacy breach, customers with concerns should consider making their own complaint.

ACCAN says customers with concerns should contact Telstra via its hotline on 133 933. If they want to make a complaint, it’s important they use the word “complaint” when speaking to the customer service representative.

If customers are unsatisfied with Telstra’s response they can make a complaint as an individual to the Office of the Privacy Commissioner.

ACCAN comments on the Bills establishing the new Telecommunications Universal Service Management Agency (TUSMA) and creating a framework for the competitive supply of universal services. 

ACCAN's submission to the Government's review of Telstra retail price controls says it is too early in the NBN rollout to remove regulation on prices charged for basics like phone calls. 

Women's Legal Services, NSW

Grant round: 2011