Monash Dark Ads Report cover

Monash University, Automated Society Working Group

Grant round: 2019

Amount: $49,579

 People  with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander backgrounds participating in researchFirst Nations Media Australia

Grant round: 2019

Amount: $49,670

Couple stand among a sample of IoT devices

University of New South Wales, School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications

Grant round: 2016

Amount: $50,000

Thanks a Bundle Research Report Cover

University of Melbourne, Melbourne Social Equity Institute

Grant round: 2017-18

Amount: $69,428

young girl wearing headphones looks to right against black backgroundCurtin University, Department of Internet Studies

Grant round: 2017-18

Amount: $32,000

Deakin Spyware Cover Image for web

Deakin University, Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship and Globalisation

Grant round: 2017-18

Amount: $60,728

Concerned red-headed young woman looks at phone, she is backgrounded with streams of personal dataUTS School of Communication

Grant round: 2017-18

Amount: $55,302

overhead view of farmers sitting & standing, chatting. Screen in front of them.

James Cook University, Cairns Institute

Grant round: 2017-18

Amount: $36,000

Representation of consumers connected to each otherUTS Faculty of Law, UNE School of Law

Grant round: 2017-18

Amount: $50,603

woman in check shirt talking on mobile phone, standing in field of wheat

Broadband for the Bush Alliance

Grant round: 2017-18

Amount: $51,005