The Regional Telecommunications Review is an independent review that takes place every three years to consider whether people in regional, rural and remote parts of Australia have equitable access to telecommunications.


ACCAN comments on the Bills establishing the new Telecommunications Universal Service Management Agency (TUSMA) and creating a framework for the competitive supply of universal services. 

ACCAN's submission to the Government's review of Telstra retail price controls says it is too early in the NBN rollout to remove regulation on prices charged for basics like phone calls. 

In establishing ACCAN in 2009, the government committed to conduct a performance review after two years of operation. ACCAN welcomes this Mid-Term Review as it provides a valuable opportunity to examine and improve on the important representation, advocacy, research and grants work we undertake.

ACCAN has provided its comment in response to the Communication Alliance's release of the Draft Telecommunications Consumer Protection (TCP) Code.

New research demonstrates that the Australian Communications and Media Authority's plan to make mobile calls to freephone (1800) numbers free and local rate (13/1300) numbers cost 22 cents is in the best interest of consumers.

The improved measures in the draft Mobile Premium Services (MPS) Code are a step in the right direction for consumers but new Code rules are weakened by the Code’s weak approach to compliance monitoring and enforcement.

Payphones are an important public resource. Further to our submission on the Consumer Safeguard Instruments for payphone repairs, removals and installations, we ask the ACMA to keep rigorous records so we know what kind of problems people are encountering with payphones.

ACCAN's submission to the Convergence Review highlights three key issues for reform: telecommunications co-regulation - also known as the smurfberry problem; moving from voice-centric to connectivity-centric regulation; and strengthening accessibility standards in broadcasting.

ACCAN has made a submission to the ACCC consultation on the NBN Co-Optus agreement. We argue that marketing restrictions in the agreement are undesirable and that existing laws against misleading and deceptive conduct are sufficient.

ACCAN has provided its view on Telstra's proposed structural separation undertaking (SSU) in this submission to the Australian Competition & Consumer Commission (ACCC). Along with much of the industry, we agree with the ACCC that the current SSU is lacking a clear and enforceable commitment to fair treatment of retail competitors.

Payphones are an important public resource that helps us to connect. ACCAN has submitted comments about the Consumer Safeguard Instruments for payphone repairs, removals and installations to make sure they work in the interest of consumers.