Icon Easy English

Easy English focuses on presenting key information rather than all the detail. Words are combined with images to enhance the message for the reader. Ideally, reading an Easy English document is a shared activity between the reader and another person, such as a friend, a family member or support person.

ACCAN has produced the following guides in Easy English.

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USO tip sheet

Download: docxUniversal Service Obligation (USO) tip sheet23.95 KB

Download: pdfUniversal Service Obligation (USO) tip sheet2.63 MB

What is the telco Universal Service Obligation (USO)?

It means that you have the right to a standard fixed landline phone service provided by Telstra, regardless of where you live or work.

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Family using technology

Throughout our lives, we accumulate a variety of assets. In the past, these have traditionally included things such as houses, cars, finances and other tangible possessions. These assets are considered when drawing up a will in the event of our passing.

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Which is the right telco deal for you?

Finding the right telco deal depends on what your needs are.

In this tip sheet we look at some good value products on the market that may be suitable for voice only and light internet users.

Remember it is a good idea to review your telecommunication services every year or two - if you have been on the same plan for a while, there may be new and better deals available.

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In a project funded by ACCAN, researchers at The University of Sydney analysed 61 top-rated mental health apps available to Australian consumers.

Mental health apps commonly collected consumer data, requested that consumers make in-app purchases, and made health claims. Although this is normal in the app world, we thought, “How would this stand up in the real world?”

[Jane looking at the hand massage signs. Thinks, “hmmm…just what I need”]

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Doctor helping older man access the internet on tabletDo you sometimes act as a ‘proxy internet user’ – where you use online services and applications on behalf of someone else who otherwise makes limited use of the internet? Proxy internet assistance often takes place within families – notably elderly parents being helped by their adult children. Other proxy users include people acting in a professional capacity – for example carers, social workers and other public-facing professionals who assist clients with specific online tasks.

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Hand writing 'consumer protection' on clear panel with marker

This tip sheet can help you complain about communciations privacy issues such as spam emails, telemarketing and privacy breaches. It can also help you to make complaints about privacy issues with social media websites like Facebook and services that track your location, such as Google Maps.

What is a privacy complaint?

Australian consumers have the right to make complaints about privacy issues. Privacy issues in the communications sector are becoming more common as we share more information online than ever before. These add to existing privacy issues relating to communications such as spam (unwanted emails from companies and organisations), telemarketing calls and the misuse of silent telephone numbers and personal information.

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Jargon Buster   ThumbnailDownload: docJargon Buster 2020.doc  181.5 KB

Download: pdfJargon Buster 2020.pdf  310.13 KB

There are a lot of acronyms and technical jargon you can encounter in the communications sector.

To combat the confusion, ACCAN has produced the Jargon Buster to decode these terms. This handy glossary is a great resource when reading and researching communications issues.

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Free calls to 1800 numbers - A great ACCAN achievement

Download: docHow to avoid 1800 number call charges on mobiles53 KB

Download: pdfHow to avoid 1800 number call charges on mobiles336.76 KB

Most Australian mobile providers (but not all) now offer free calls to 1800 numbers. Below is a list of providers that offer these calls for free.

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cartoon image of telephone, mobile phone and phone directory

Download: docHow to avoid directory assistance call charges64.5 KB

Download: pdfHow to avoid directory assistance call charges443.87 KB

Did you know that calls to Directory Assistance 1223 and other directory phone numbers may not be free of charge from your mobile or landline phone? Sometimes these calls are charged outside of your included plan value, so you may receive extra charges on your bill from calling these numbers.

Whenever possible, you should avoid calling directory assistance numbers and instead use one of the alternatives listed below.

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ACCAN's Community Consultation GuidepdfCommunity Consultation Guide5.36 MB

ACCAN has launched the 2nd Edition of the Community Consultation Guide, in time for Round 2 of the Federal Government's Mobile Black Spot Programme. The Guide is designed to help communities address issues with mobile coverage in their areas.

Mobile coverage is a key issue for consumers, particularly those in regional, rural and remote Australia. Achieving improvements in mobile coverage is a priority focus of ACCAN's work. The Mobile Black Spot Programme will deliver improvements to mobile coverage, but the demand for these improvements will far outstrip supply.

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