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ACCAN, the communications watchdog, today welcomed the decision by Telstra to reverse its policy of charging customers who pay bill over-the-counter a $2.20 fee.

ACCAN launched a campaign highlighting the unfairness of the charge, calling on Telstra instead to offer incentives for those paying by lower cost methods rather than penalising its traditional customer base.

The Federal Court’s decision on Friday to impose a total of $15.75 million penalties for contraventions of the Spam Act 2003 is a significant victory for communications consumers, said ACCAN, Australia’s peak communications consumer organisation.

Allan Asher, CEO of ACCAN, congratulated the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) on taking a strong stance in its first court action against unsolicited SMS messages.

The Australian Communication Consumer Action Network (ACCAN) welcomes today’s announcement of an inquiry into customer service by the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) at the CommsDay Summit in Sydney.

Australia's 22 million consumers and 2 million businesses are not receiving adequate attention in the current debate about telecommunications reform according to ACCAN, Australia’s peak communications consumer organisation.

Peak consumer advocacy group ACCAN says the woeful state of the telecommunications industry, with its sky-high customer service and complaint handling problems, could be greatly improved if regulators and government put consumer rights at the centre of communications policy.

The Australian Communication Consumer Action Network (ACCAN) is strongly advising consumers to opt for a pre-paid plan when Apple releases its iPad 3G in Australia on May 28 to avoid the dreaded “bill shock” experienced by 3G smartphone owners hit with excess data usage charges.

National telecommunications watchdog, ACCAN is calling for the introduction of a consumer compensation payment for consumers who have experienced the hassle and inconvenience of using the TIO to resolve basic disputes.

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CITIES logo 01   CombinedPensionersSuperannuantsAssociationOfNSWInc logo2  CommunicationRightsAustralia logo1  

CommunityBroadcastingAssociationOfAustralia logo small  NationalAssociationOfCommunityLegalCentres logo1 edited     CommunityLegalCentresNSW logo  

ConsumerActionLawCentre logo2  ConsumerCreditLegalServiceWA logo   ConsumerPolicyResearchCentre logo  

ConsumersAssociationOfSouthAustralia logo ConsumersFederationOfAustralia logo   CottonAustralia logo  

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CountryWomensAssociationOfAustralia logo DeafAustralia logo   DeafChildrenAustralia logo  

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DifferentlyAbledPeopleAssociationInc logo2  DigitalGapInitiative logo edited 07   DigitalTasmania logo  

ElectronicFrontiersAustralia logo  EthnicCommunitiesCouncilOfWA logo small  ExpressionAustralia logo 

FamilyDrugSupport logo1 FederationOfEthnicCommunitiesCouncilsOfAustralia logo   FinancialCounsellingAustralia logo

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FinancialRightsLegalCentre logo  HKTrainingConsultancyPL logo  IdeasNSW logo 

IEEE SocietyOnSocialImplicationsOfTechnology logo  IllawarraLegalCentreInc logo1  IndigenousConsumerAssistanceNetworkLtd logo 

IndigenousRemoteCommunication FirstNationsMediaAustralia logo   Infoxchange logo   InnerSydneyRegionalCouncilForSocialDevelopment logo 

InternetAustralia logo IsolatedChildrensParentsAssociationAustralia logo  IsolatedChildrensParentsAssociationNSW logo 

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NSWFarmersAssociation logo  PeopleWithDisabilitiesWA logo2 PeopleWithDisabilityAustralia logo 

PhysicalDisabilityAustralia logo edited   PhysicalDisabilityCouncilofNSW logo edited PublicInterestAdvocacyCentre logo2

 QueenslandConsumersAssociation logo   RedfernLegalCentre logo small  ScopeAusLtd logo small  

SouthAustralianFinancialCounsellorsAssociation logo1  TenantsQueenslandInc logo   TheBenevolentSociety logo 

ThinkDOTankFoundationLtd logo edited small  UnitingCareWesleyBowden UCWB logo small   VisionAustralia logo 

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NationalChildrensAndYouthLawCentre logo1



From section 3.1 of the ACCAN Constitution:

  1. to be a peak body in Australia representing the interests of consumers in relation to communications and telecommunications issues;

  2. to promote the telecommunications consumer objectives of accessibility, affordability and availability to all consumers;

  3. to promote the development of Australian information and communications technology resources;

  4. to develop a strong, coordinated voice for consumers and to represent and advocate on behalf of consumers to Government, regulators and the telecommunications industry;

  5. to undertake research, policy development and education on consumer telecommunications issues;

  6. to facilitate access to and dissemination of information to consumers, consumer representatives and consumer organisations;

  7. to advocate on behalf of consumers on telecommunications laws affecting consumers, law reform, policy development and in relation to industry practices;

  8. to participate in regulatory and co-regulatory activities; and

  9. to contribute to the development of Government telecommunications policy.

View our Strategic Plan

View our Constitution

There are three categories of membership.

  • Voting members
  • Associate members (Non-voting)
  • Life members 

Voting members includes both organisations and individuals – each having one vote. The eligibility criteria for organisational Voting members is that their purposes align with ACCAN's objectives and that they are both non-party political and not for profit. Individual Voting members must also subscribe to ACCAN’s objectives. Voting members can nominate and vote for positions on ACCAN’s board of directors. 

Associate members (Non-voting) are those who are interested in working with ACCAN but are not eligible (or do not wish to apply) for Voting membership. 

Life membership is conferred by a special meeting of ACCAN on someone who has made an outstanding contribution to the area.

Please contact us if you're unsure which type of Membership is best for you.

Members of the telecommunications industry, such as carriers, carriage service providers (CSPs), content service providers and equipment manufacturers, are not eligible for membership. 

We value your voice

ACCAN trusts our member network to inform us about the communications issues that are affecting themselves and/or their members/clients. To effectively advocate for change our lobbying and campaigns need to be evidence based and supported by strong personal stories. We therefore regularly seek input from our members in the form of surveys or occasional telephone calls. If you don’t have the time to participate, we don’t mind but equally welcome contact from our members whenever there is an issue that you’d like us to look at.

Membership pricing

ACCAN membership is renewed yearly and based on the applicant's income.  The fees are structured as follows:

Organisational Membership

Income LevelCost (inc GST)
Income under $25,000  $27.50  
Income $25,001 to $50,000  $44.00 
Income $50,001 to $200,000  $88.00
Income $200,001 to $1,000,000  $154.00 
Income $1,000,001 to $2,000,000   $220.00 
Income over $2,000,001 $275.00  

Individual Membership

Income Level  Cost (inc GST)
Unwaged   $22.00  
Waged  $33.00  

Fee Waivers

Both Individual and Organisational Members and applicants can apply for a fee waiver. If you would like your fees waived please contact ACCAN to discuss further.


Take the first step today and become a member by calling ACCAN on (02) 9288 4000 or

Apply online


You may also download the application form below and return signed forms to ACCAN.

Download:  docxOrganisational Membership Application89.6 KB

Download:  pdfOrganisational Membership Application191.9 KB

Download:  docxIndividual Membership Application87.89 KB

Download:   pdfIndividual Membership Application193.83 KB


ACCAN’s purpose is to work for “communications services that are trusted, inclusive, accessible and available for all.”  We need the expertise and support of individuals and organisations to help guide ACCAN’s work towards better outcomes for all communications consumers. ACCAN facilitates opportunities each year through our consultative forums and conference for ACCAN Members to help guide our strategic direction. Become an ACCAN Member and have your voice heard!

The benefits of becoming an ACCAN member are:

We put consumers first

We are a community-based, member-driven, not-for-profit, non-party political organisation.

Be heard:

Tell us about your issues and opinions through direct contact with us. We also have expert Advisory Forums, which members can nominate to join, which help us identify consumer issues and strategies to address them. 

Be informed:

Our weekly newsletter will keep you up to date with news and issues affecting consumers and the communications industry. Your membership also means you will receive ACCAN at a Glance which will keep you up to date with our policy, grants and research activities, as well as industry and regulatory news, and tip sheets.

Be equipped:

ACCAN tip sheets and educational resources will help you and your constituents on consumer rights and important issues.

Fight the good fight:

Take part in our campaigns, research and grants projects to help us advocate for consumer rights.


Participate in ACCAN Events, including discounted fees for our annual conference, profiling your work and events through our website, find other events and contacts through ACCAN.

Have a say:

Your membership to ACCAN entitles you to nominate and vote for directors on the ACCAN Board.  You can also choose to become a non-voting, Associate Member.

For over 10 years, Gunela was National Coordinator of TEDICORE (Telecommunications and Disability Consumer Representation) ensuring that people with disability participated in policy and standards development to improve telecommunications accessibility. During this time she represented consumers on many bodies including the Consumer Representation Committee which established ACCAN. After assisting with the foundation of ACCAN and being on the inaugural staff team managing disability policy and research, Gunela ran GSA InfoComm. Since 2010 she has continued to support ACCAN as an individual member attending many ACCAN events and conferences. She has also undertaken several ACCAN Grants and Research projects which have led to significant policy reforms. Gunela’s commitment to inclusion and equitable access to telecommunications and technology goes back over many years of active work both nationally and internationally. While Gunela has held many auspicious roles, she continues to be involved with ACCAN member organisations including Internet Australia and Women With Disabilities Australia. Gunela is often called upon to review key international policy documents and volunteers her time to participate on international Internet committees and groups. There is no question that she has made a huge contribution to more accessible communications services here in Australia and around the world.