From section 3.1 of the ACCAN Constitution:

  1. to be a peak body in Australia representing the interests of consumers in relation to communications and telecommunications issues;

  2. to promote the telecommunications consumer objectives of accessibility, affordability and availability to all consumers;

  3. to promote the development of Australian information and communications technology resources;

  4. to develop a strong, coordinated voice for consumers and to represent and advocate on behalf of consumers to Government, regulators and the telecommunications industry;

  5. to undertake research, policy development and education on consumer telecommunications issues;

  6. to facilitate access to and dissemination of information to consumers, consumer representatives and consumer organisations;

  7. to advocate on behalf of consumers on telecommunications laws affecting consumers, law reform, policy development and in relation to industry practices;

  8. to participate in regulatory and co-regulatory activities; and

  9. to contribute to the development of Government telecommunications policy.

View our Strategic Plan

View our Constitution