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Annual complaints data released by the Telecommunication Industry Ombudsman (TIO) reveals telco complaints remain at unacceptably high levels, according to peak communications consumer body, the Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN).

Seven projects have been successful in the second round of the ACCAN Independent Grants Scheme.

ACCAN CEO Allan Asher today congratulated the diverse range of recipients including Able Australia Services, Brotherhood of St Laurence, Council on the Ageing WA, Danielle Notara, the Institute for Interactive Media and Learning (UTS), Novita Children’s Services, and a joint project between the Swinburne Institute for Social Research, Centre for Appropriate Technology, and Central Land Council.

The Australian Communication Consumer Action Network (ACCAN) says the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) report, Mobile capped plans, barely scratches the surface of the extent of problems Australian consumers are experiencing in relation to mobile phone bills.

New Galaxy research commissioned by ACCAN has found one in two telco customers have experienced a problem with their phone or internet service provider in the past year, with technical problems, customer service and complaint handling topping the list of complaints.

Millions of Australian households will remain protected from unwanted telemarketing calls, thanks to a proposed last minute change to the Do Not Call Register, ACCAN Australia’s peak communications consumer organisation said today.

A complaint sent by the Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN) to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) today (7 June) details six separate examples of telecommunications advertising that the consumer group believes breach the Trade Practices Act because they are misleading, deceptive or unfair – and sometimes all three.

National communications consumer organisation ACCAN is pleased to announce the recipients of the first round of funding through its Grants Scheme.

Telstra’s decision to charge consumers a fee of $2.20 for paying their bills is ill timed and a bad deal for consumers, according to the Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN), Australia’s new watchdog for communications consumers.

ACCAN the national communications consumer peak organisation today announced Robin Banks, Kate Cornick and Dr Tim Dwyer as members of its Independent Grants Panel.

Millions of Australian households are set to lose protections against telemarketing calls and have their privacy shattered unless urgent changes are made to the Do Not Call Register, ACCAN Australia’s peak communications consumer organisation said today.

“The flood gates to intrusive and unwanted telemarketing calls are about to open for millions of people who are unaware that their telephone number is about to be kicked off the Do Not Call Register”, said Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN) CEO Allan Asher.

ACCAN, Australia’s peak communications consumer organisation congratulated the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) on its second successful outcome against unsolicited SMS with the Federal Court yesterday imposing a further $6.5 million in penalties against spammers.

“It is only through strong and decisive action such as ACMA’s to use the full extent of its authority and power that consumers can be assured their rights will be protected,” CEO of ACCAN, Allan Asher said.

The Australian Communications Consumer Action Network says the passing of landmark legislation in the House of Representatives today heralds a new era in telecommunications that will benefit telco consumers through improved competition and consumer protection measures.