Our focus
Do you:
Have a mobile phone?
Use broadband?
Watch television?
Stream online content?If you answer yes to any of these questions then
ACCAN’s Federal Election 2016 webpage is for you.
As the peak body for consumer representation in communications ACCAN – Australian Communications Consumer Action Network – represents your interests to get the best deal for consumers.
For the upcoming Federal Election on 2 July we have identified five communications consumer priorities for 2016. These important issues are our focus in the lead up to and after the election. See below for these priorities.
To find out more about their communications policies, we have posed a series of questions to the major political parties. When the answers are available we will post them on this webpage.
You can read further on our communications consumer priorities by clicking the links below or on the left-hand side of the screen. Get in touch with ACCAN if you have any questions on these topics.
- Details
- Federal Election 2019
A system to provide independent monitoring of broadband services should be introduced.
- Details
- Federal Election 2019
The Broadcasting Services Act should be amended to ensure people with disability can reliably access all free-to-air television.