In 2019, the telco industry is reviewing the Mobile Premium Services (MPS) Code. Mobile Premium Services (MPS) allow consumers to pay for digital content (like apps or games) and services (like competition entries, voting and charity donations) on their mobile phone account or using pre-paid credit.

The MPS Code aims to safeguard consumers from an industry which has a history of poor practice.

ACCAN believes that many of the additional protections proposed in the public consultation will have little or no substantive effect on consumer outcomes due to their limited scope and applicability.

ACCAN Mag Cover  Autumn 2019

Download: pdfACCAN Magazine - Issue 31 Autumn 2019936.62 KB  (Note: reading order not accessible)

Download accessible version: docxACCAN Magazine Issue 31 Autumn 2019 - accessible version35.54 KB

The Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN) welcomes the appointment of the Hon Paul Fletcher to the position of Minister for Communications, Cyber Safety and the Arts in the newly announced Coalition Cabinet.

“The next three years will bring a number of important milestones, challenges and opportunities for telecommunications in Australia,” said ACCAN CEO, Teresa Corbin. “From the roll-out of 5G, to the anticipated completion of the NBN network, we look forward to working with Minister Fletcher during this exciting time to achieve better outcomes for consumers.”

Person using the computerHow much data do I need?

The data needs of every household are different, but the average household usage of data is between 80GB – 200GB per month. This means that most of the options outlined in our blog here would meet the needs of most households.

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Computer displaying various options on NetflixAlthough wireless broadband services may not compete in terms of speed with a faster fixed broadband connection, they may be suitable for many households currently on a 12mbps NBN service. If you don’t have a home phone anymore, and only use your broadband for basic internet activities like web browsing, emails and social media, it may be time to cut the cord and shift to wireless. These services use the same technology as the internet on your mobile phone.

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Man using the internet on a tablet deviceWhat’s happening?

NBN Co has recently announced a delay to the withdrawal of its discounts on the NBN 12mbps speed tier for fixed line services. The discounts were originally planned to be withdrawn at the end of May but will now stay until the end of July.

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Accessible telecoms logo

Samsung Galaxy J2 Pro

Type of device: Mobile

Samsung Galaxy J2 Pro

This device may be used with Wi-Fi or a data plan to access the internet.

This device has a touchscreen.

Accessibility Features:

      • Cognition:
        • Voice Notes
        • Simplify Display
        • GPS Capability
        • Copy and Paste
        • Simple Instructions
        • Photo Associated Telephone Book
        • Assistance Instructions
        • Simple Reminders
        • No Screen Timeout

      • Hearing:
        • Supports Closed Captioning for Web Video or Streaming
        • Front Facing Camera
        • Adjustable Maximum Volume Control
        • Two-way Video Communications
        • Visual Alerts - Electronic Message
        • Ringer Volume Adjustable
        • Messaging Options - Text Messaging/SMS
        • Visual indicators on Display - Network
        • Visual Alerts - Incoming Calls
        • Device Coupling - Bluetooth/WLAN

      • Vision:
        • Screen Reader
        • Screen Magnifier
        • High Contrast Mode
        • Display Characteristics - Colour Differentiation
        • Display Characteristics - Adjustable Brightness Control
        • Voiced Menus
        • Adjustable Font - Size
        • Adjustable Font - Style
        • Audible Cues - Battery
        • Standard Number Key Layout

      • Speech:
        • SMS Personalisation and Reuse
        • Messaging Options - Predictive Text
        • Messaging Options - MMS
        • Messaging Options - IM
        • Messaging Options - Email
        • Messaging Options - Text Messaging/SMS

      • Physical:
        • Stylus or Prosthetic Device support
        • Voice Recognition for Accessing Features
        • Voice Recognition for Dialling
        • Automatic Answer
        • Flat Back for Table Top Operation
        • Device Coupling - Bluetooth/WLAN
        • Predictive Text Input
        • Speaker-phone capable
        • Easy to Press Keys
        • Headset - plug connected

More information is available on:

Samsung Galaxy J2 Pro Website

Samsung Galaxy J2 Pro PDF User Guide


NDIS Logo for at resources


Accessible telecoms logoOlitech Easy Mate +

Type of device: Mobile Phone

Olitech Easy Mate Plus

This device may not be used to access the internet

This device does not have a touchscreen

Accessibility Features:

    • Cognition:
      • Voice Notes
      • Simple Instructions
      • Simple Reminders

    • Hearing:
      • Visual Alerts - Electronic Message
      • Ringer Volume Adjustable
      • Hearing Aid T-coil Coupling
      • Messaging Options - Text Messaging/SMS
      • Visual indicators on Display - Network
      • Visual Alerts - Incoming Calls

    • Vision:
      • Screen Magnifier
      • Standard Number Key Layout
      • Tactile Key Marker - '5'
      • Talking Keys

    • Speech:
      • SMS Personalisation and Reuse
      • Messaging Options - MMS
      • Messaging Options - Text Messaging/SMS

    • Physical:
      • Automatic Redial
      • Guarded/Recessed Keys
      • Easy to Press Keys
      • Lanyard Pin for key ring or Lanyard Strap
      • Headset - plug connected
      • Cradle charger

More information is available on:

Olitech Easy Mate+ PDF User Manual
Olitech You Tube videos






Teresa Corbin CommsDay Summit 2019

ACCAN CEO Teresa Corbin recently spoke at the CommsDay Summit, a telecommunications industry event attended by regulators, consumer groups, telco executives and government representatives. Ms Corbin spoke about the inadequacies of the TCP Code in protecting consumers, how Australians with disability are being underserved by the telcos when it comes to their right to appropriate and independent information, and initial outcomes from ACCAN's work highlighting the need for affordable broadband across the country.

Her speech is available below.

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The summary below outlines ACCAN's activities from 1 December 2018 – 28 February 2019.

USO tip sheet

Download: docxUniversal Service Obligation (USO) tip sheet23.95 KB

Download: pdfUniversal Service Obligation (USO) tip sheet2.63 MB

What is the telco Universal Service Obligation (USO)?

It means that you have the right to a standard fixed landline phone service provided by Telstra, regardless of where you live or work.

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Have you ever gone into a telecommunications store with a plan of what you wanted, but came out with something different? Something more expensive?

ACCAN often hears stories of consumers who were sold more expensive plans or products than they had planned for and sometimes, more than they can afford. This results in difficulties keeping up with payments, and kicks off a spiral of financial problems with lasting consequences. Cases of mis-selling have been widely reported in the media recently1, and continue to occur. In February 2019, poor sales practices leading to customer debt was identified by the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman as a systemic issue in complaints2.

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