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In early October, ACCAN attended the 15th annual Remote Indigenous Media Festival held in Ntaria, NT. The festival brought together some of the country's most remote media organisations with funding bodies and policy makers for 7 days of technology workshops and policy discussion.

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Watch our YouTube videos featuring some of Australia’s best-known disability advocates talking about the technologies and apps that have changed their lives as well as their daily frustrations of dealing with websites and apps that haven’t been made accessible to people with disability.

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Did you know that the quality standards and safeguards governing your traditional landline service do not apply to voice over IP (VoIP) products?

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In very good news for people who are Deaf, hearing-impaired or speech-impaired, the National Relay Service (NRS) has announced that callers to Triple Zero (000) using internet relay will receive queue priority. But while this update is a step in the right direction, many people with disability still can’t make emergency calls.

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Privacy Awareness Week (29 April – 5 May) is an annual event during which the Asia Pacific Privacy Authorities join forces to remind everyone to take steps to protect their own privacy and safeguard personal information about others that they might hold.

“Privacy is recognised in many countries, including Australia, as a human right,” says Privacy Commissioner Timothy Pilgrim. “Serious consequences can arise when someone’s privacy is breached and we all have responsibilities to look after the personal information we handle.”

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ACCAN CEO Teresa Corbin told the CommsDay Conference in Melbourne that telcos should set their own targets for complaint reductions and be transparent with internal complaint data in order to build greater trust with consumers. Please download the full speech below.

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The ACCAN 2012 National Conference program includes an exciting innovation: a consumer-oriented Technology Expo.  ACCAN’s TEXPO is not the usual trade show, but a targeted, in-depth showcase of carefully selected technologies of interest to a broad range of consumers.

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Australian consumers must currently pay a monthly fee of $2.93 or more to make sure that their phone number won't be released by directory assistance or be made available in the White Pages. The fee effectively charges people for their privacy and is a particular problem for low-income consumers and victims of crime, harassment or violence. ACCAN's position is that the fee should be removed for all consumers.

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Australia's peak blindness organisations have been working with the Australian Electoral Commission over the past several years to secure a fundamental human right for Australians who are blind or vision impaired – access to an independent, secret and verifiable ballot in the federal election.

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We experienced problems with our website this morning (26/02/13). Our site should be back to normal, if you experience any problems please email info (at)

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Cloud computing has the potential to transform the way individual consumers and small businesses store and use data, potentially saving time, money and effort. However, cloud computing involves risks for consumers that must be carefully managed.

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ACCAN and Telstra are delighted to announce the two-day
M-Enabling Australasia 2013 conference being held on 14th-15th August at Australian Technology Park, Sydney.

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