
Institute for Social Research, Swinburne University

Grant round: 2010

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We encourage you to talk to us before applying for an ACCAN Grant. The Grants Team is available to help develop your project idea, ensure it's within scope, and with enough notice, we may be able to review a draft and help you make the most of your application.

The best way to reach us is via email - let us know a good time & number to phone you, or simply pop your questions & project ideas into the email. We will get back to you as soon as we can: 

Email: grants @ accan.org.au

Phone: 02 9288 4000 (ACCAN reception) or via the National Relay Service


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Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre, University of New South Wales

Grant round: 2010

On Thursday 6 May, the Australian Government released the long awaited report known as the National Broadband Network (NBN) Implementation Study.

Please go to the DBCDE website for a copy of the NBN Implementation Study.

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ACCAN is pleased to announce its Board of Directors for 2010-2011. In accordance with the ACCAN Constitution the ACCAN Board (the Board) will consist of nine (9) elected Directors.

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At some time in the near future you’re likely to use a ‘1800’ or ‘13’ telephone service to make a complaint, access essential financial or legal advice or just order a pizza. ACCAN has launched a campaign to ensure you're able to access these numbers.

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Last month we hosted the first-ever ACCAN National Conference and Consumer Summit at the State Library of Victoria. ACCAN would like to thank the 150 delegates who attended for an exciting, inspiring and thought-provoking two days.

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Dr Denise Wood was recently awarded the inaugural Telstra-TJA Christopher Newell Prize for Telecommunications and Disability for her paper titled “Communicating in Virtual Worlds through an Accessible Web 2.0 Solution.”

Dr Wood, a researcher and senior lecturer in the School of Communication, International Studies and Languages at the University of South Australia, undertook the research as part of an Australian Learning and Teaching Council project to improve access to 3D virtual-learning environments and identify the benefits of Web 2.0 and 3D Virtual Worlds such as Second Life for people with disabilities.


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Peak communications consumer body ACCAN says the findings from the $25 million National Broadband Network (NBN) Implementation Study offers good news for Australians, who could pay prices comparable to today’s retail costs in exchange for higher speed broadband with higher download limits, provided there is vigorous competition in the retail market.

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