
National telecommunications watchdog, ACCAN is calling for the introduction of a consumer compensation payment for consumers who have experienced the hassle and inconvenience of using the TIO to resolve basic disputes.

Broadband pricing should be monitored to ensure that consumers do not pay more for services under the transition to the National Broadband Network, according to the Australian Communications Consumer Action Network.

The telecommunications watchdog made the recommendation to the Senate Inquiry into the Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (Consumer and Competition Safeguards) Bill 2009, in Melbourne today.

One third of consumers have fallen victim to Cybercrime or Personal Identity theft, according to the Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN).

New research into consumer awareness of E-security was presented today at the Inquiry into Cybercrime, highlighting the need for a more co-ordinated, rigorous approach to E-security measures for Australian consumers.

Join us for ACCAN's first Research Linkage Forum where we will showcase the diverse projects we are engaging in to drive our work and to build a consumer-centric base of evidence.

Peak consumer advocacy group ACCAN says the woeful state of the telecommunications industry, with its sky-high customer service and complaint handling problems, could be greatly improved if regulators and government put consumer rights at the centre of communications policy.

The purpose of the Disability Advisory Forum (DAF) is to discuss the most important telecommunications consumer issues from the perspective of key representative in the disability sector, with a view to incorporating these into ACCAN's work priorities.

The function of the Disability Advisory Forum is to:


2508+ Disconnected

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ACT Council of Social Services Inc.

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Association of Independent Retirees

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Australian Federation of Deaf Societies

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HK Training & Consultancy P/L

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IDEAS NSW - Information on Disability & Education Awareness Services

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IEEE Society for the Social Implications of Technology (SSIT) – Australia Chapter

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Illawarra Legal Centre

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Indigenous Consumer Assistance Network

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Inner Sydney Regional Council for Social Development

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Internet Australia (formerly Internet Society of Australia)

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Isolated Children's and Parents Association Australia

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Isolated Children's and Parents Association QLD

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Isolated Children's Parents' Association NT 

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Isolated Children's Parents' Association WA

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Macarthur Legal Centre

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National Association of Community Legal Centres

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National Ethnic Disability Alliance

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National Farmers Federation

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NSW Farmers Association

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People with Disabilities WA

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People with Disability Australia Inc

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Physical Disability Australia

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Physical Disability Council of NSW

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Public Interest Advocacy Centre

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Queensland Consumers Association

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Queensland Council of Social Service

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Redfern Legal Centre

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South Australian Financial Counsellors Association

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Tasmanians with Disabilities Inc.

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Tenants Queensland Inc.

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The Benevolent Society

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Think + DO Tank Foundation Limited

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Uniting Care Wesley Bowden

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Vision Australia Limited

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Westwood Spice

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Women's Legal Services Australia

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Women's Legal Services NSW

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Women with Disabilities Australia

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Youth Affairs Network of Queensland

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The Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN) says it is extremely concerned that a major Telstra mail-out bungle has resulted in a breach of privacy of some 220,000 customers including 23,500 silent-line customers and is calling on the Office of the Privacy Commissioner (OPC) to commence a major investigation into the issue.

The board of the Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN) is pleased to announce the appointment of Teresa Corbin as the peak communications’ body new Chief Executive. Ms Corbin is currently Acting CEO at ACCAN and will move immediately into the new role.


A new report into communications-related privacy complaints has found there are vast differences in complaint resolution times, remedies and compensation available to consumers, depending on which of the three statutory bodies you lodge a complaint with.


The ACMA’s major inquiry into Customer Service is now underway, with submissions due 10 September. To ensure you voice your experiences with the industry effectively, ACCAN will be hosting an information session about how to write a submission.

People of all ages use phones, mobile phones, the internet and TV. But how much access is there really for the 1 in 6 Australians who are deaf or hearing-impaired? This group includes older people with an acquired hearing impairment, as well as younger people.