ACCAN has recommended that the ACMA work towards a system that automatically provides location information to Emergency Service Operators when consumers call from a landline, mobile or VoIP phone.
Submission to: Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) as part of the Numbering Plan Review.
Status: Submitted, awaiting response.
Summary: In this submission ACCAN considers how location information and numbering data are currently gathered and used by various bodies, particularly Emergency Service Operators who need to easily find consumers in emergency situations. The growth of VoIP and mobile phones which are not used at fixed locations means that the ACMA needs to rethink the way that location information is gathered. ACCAN wants to see that ACMA work towards a system that automatically provides location information, viewing any system that requires consumers to update or verbally provide this information in an emergency situation as an interim measure only.
Download: Customer location information and numbering data.pdf [Adobe Acrobat PDF - 300.33 KB]
Download: Customer location information and numbering data.doc [Word Document - 942.5 KB]