Conference delegates networking at ACCANect - Equipping consumers to stay connected

Download: docxACCANect Program55.75 KB
Download: pdfACCANect Program5.23 MB

All videos and presentations have been uploaded in the form provided to ACCAN.  Where a video is not captioned unedited transcripts as captured on the day are provided.  ACCAN endeavours to supply all materials in an accessible format and will update this page with more accessible versions as they become available.


The digital world can be very complex and challenging for consumers to navigate. ACCAN’s goal is available, affordable and accessible communications services for all Australians. As part of the National Year of Digital Inclusion, the ACCANect Conference focused on how to empower consumers to get and stay connected to the phone and broadband services they need.

ACCANect provided opportunities for consumers, providers and government representatives to get up to speed on what’s available now and what’s over the horizon.

ACCAN and Your Privacy Rights

ACCAN has a commitment to adhere to the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs), which are contained in schedule 1 of the Privacy Act 1988 (Privacy Act).

What personal information does ACCAN collect?

ACCAN only collects personal information that it is necessary for us to carry out our work. If you lodge an enquiry, application, subscription, case study or subscribe to our mailing lists we may require the following information:

  • Contact details, which may include a business contact number or email address;
  • Details of the nature of your enquiry
  • Details pertaining to specific experiences with phone or internet products and services

ACCAN may also collect personal details for the purposes of membership. This use is described below.

How is case study information used?

On occasion consumers contact ACCAN to describe their individual experiences with phone and Internet products services. ACCAN treats all cases as confidential. ACCAN is not a complaint handling body. We cannot investigate or handle complaints. ACCAN may use case study information from time to time in its representation work for all consumers.

If you wish to remain anonymous or do not wish to supply specific information to ACCAN, you may do so; however, please note that the ACCAN may not be able to use your data when analysing consumer issues.

Disclosure to other parties

From time to time ACCAN may provide case study information, including personal information, to agencies such as the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA), the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC), the Communications Alliance and other relevant industry bodies. Where ACCAN makes a decision that your case should be referred to another agency, we will gain your consent prior to disclosing any of your personal details.

Other information collected by ACCAN

In order to carry out its functions, ACCAN maintains a database of industry contacts and government agencies. ACCAN also maintains a database of individuals and organisations who have asked to receive ACCAN publications, media releases, WebNews and other information.

Access to your information

You have the right to access the information about you that ACCAN may have collected and held. Access to your information can be arranged by contacting ACCAN.

Any complaints about ACCAN's privacy policy or procedures can be made to the Chief Executive Officer.

Information Logged When Using the ACCAN Website

What information does the ACCAN website collect?

To help ensure that our website is providing useful advice to as many people as possible, ACCAN uses Google Analytics to collect aggregated anonymous statistical information.

This information is collected for statistical purposes only. No attempt will be made by ACCAN to identify you or your browsing activities.

Our website uses Google Analytics, a service which transmits website traffic data to Google servers in the United States. Google Analytics does not identify individual users or associate your IP address with any other data held by Google. We use reports provided by Google Analytics to help us understand our website traffic and webpage usage.

By using this website, you consent to the processing of data about you by Google in the manner described in Google's Privacy Policy and for the purposes set out above. You can opt out of Google Analytics if you disable or refuse the cookie, disable JavaScript, or use the opt-out service provided by Google.

Electronic mail addresses

ACCAN will only record your email address if you send us a message or subscribe to our mailing lists. This will only be used for the purpose for which you have provided it, and will not be added to a mailing list unless you request that this be done. If you elect to unsubscribe from WebNews or other mailing lists this will be done as soon as practicable. We will not disclose your email address without your consent.

Member information

Members of ACCAN are able to check and update their details from this website. Authorised ACCAN staff are also able to access members' full details.

Members' contact details provided to ACCAN are used for general liaison, the distribution of relevant information about ACCAN activities and issuing invoices, ACCAN mailing list and requests for publications. Information provided for these purposes will be used for these purposes only. It will not be distributed further or disclosed without the user's consent.

Links to other sites

ACCAN does not guarantee, and accepts no legal liability whatsoever arising from, or connected to, the use of any material contained on this website or on any linked site.

ACCAN recommends that users exercise their own skill and care with respect to their use of this website and that users carefully evaluate the accuracy, currency, completeness and relevance of the material on this website for their purposes.  This website is not a substitute for independent professional advice and users should obtain any appropriate professional advice relevant to their particular circumstances.

Internet security

If you are submitting information over the Internet that you wish to remain private, you should be aware that there is a small possibility that information you submit could be observed by a third party while in transit.

If you would like to use another method to contact us or provide us with information, please feel free via telephone or post.

Hand writing 'consumer protection' on clear panel with marker

This tip sheet can help you complain about communciations privacy issues such as spam emails, telemarketing and privacy breaches. It can also help you to make complaints about privacy issues with social media websites like Facebook and services that track your location, such as Google Maps.

What is a privacy complaint?

Australian consumers have the right to make complaints about privacy issues. Privacy issues in the communications sector are becoming more common as we share more information online than ever before. These add to existing privacy issues relating to communications such as spam (unwanted emails from companies and organisations), telemarketing calls and the misuse of silent telephone numbers and personal information.

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In March 2016 the Department of Communications and the Arts released an options paper: ‘Communications Accessibility: 2016 and Beyond’. The paper proposed a number of options related to the ongoing sustainability of the National Relay Service. The use of the National Relay Service over the past couple of years has increased due to the significant improvements to the service through the introduction of a number of new relay services.

Jargon Buster   ThumbnailDownload: docJargon Buster 2020.doc  181.5 KB

Download: pdfJargon Buster 2020.pdf  310.13 KB

There are a lot of acronyms and technical jargon you can encounter in the communications sector.

To combat the confusion, ACCAN has produced the Jargon Buster to decode these terms. This handy glossary is a great resource when reading and researching communications issues.

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The Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN) says that extra funding the free-to-air networks will keep from the 25 per cent cut to broadcast licence fees should be used to fund improved accessibility features such as better captioning and audio description. Funding these services would help to make free-to-air TV more accessible to consumers living with a disability. The 25 per cent reduction in licence fees announced overnight in the Federal Budget follows a 50 per cent decrease to the fees in 2013.

“The cuts to the broadcast licence fees are good news for the free-to-air networks,” said ACCAN Disability Policy Advisor, Wayne Hawkins. “This funding could be used to improve captioning on free-to-air TV for people who are Deaf or hard of hearing and to put in place technology that would allow the networks to introduce audio description for people who are blind or vision impaired.”

Currently free-to-air channels do not caption any additional programming on their multi channels other than repeated programs from their primary channel. Primary channels must caption all programming between 6am and midnight as well as all news and current affairs programs. There are no requirements for audio description to be included on free-to-air television and currently none of the free-to-air networks provide this service.

People at cafe using smartphones and tabletsYou may have noticed that we’ve launched our brand new website. We’ve been working on the new website for quite some time and we’re very excited to finally have it up and running.

The new website is more user-friendly, mobile-friendly and of course, it is accessible to consumers who use assistive technologies like screen readers.

With our new website, we’re well placed to provide consumers with the latest news, information and consumer resources.

The website is now divided into two main areas: Helpful Consumer Information and ACCAN’s Work.

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The summary below outlines ACCAN's activities from 1 December 2015 to 29 February 2016.

The summary below outlines ACCAN’s activities from 1 September to 30 November 2015.

The Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN) has launched a guide for consumers who will receive internet services over nbn’s Sky Muster satellite. The guide will be a useful tool for consumers in these areas to help them get connected to broadband services. Sky Muster services were officially launched today.

ACCAN welcomes the launch of Sky Muster services as they will deliver improved broadband services to premises across Australia, primarily in regional and remote areas including the islands that make up Australia. Consumers in these areas have experienced poor to no broadband services, with many facing difficult situations created by the lack of adequate services and exorbitant costs.

There are three categories of membership.

  • Voting members
  • Associate members (Non-voting)
  • Life members 

Voting members includes both organisations and individuals – each having one vote. The eligibility criteria for organisational Voting members is that their purposes align with ACCAN's objectives and that they are both non-party political and not for profit. Individual Voting members must also subscribe to ACCAN’s objectives. Voting members can nominate and vote for positions on ACCAN’s board of directors. 

Associate members (Non-voting) are those who are interested in working with ACCAN but are not eligible (or do not wish to apply) for Voting membership. 

Life membership is conferred by a special meeting of ACCAN on someone who has made an outstanding contribution to the area.

Please contact us if you're unsure which type of Membership is best for you.

Members of the telecommunications industry, such as carriers, carriage service providers (CSPs), content service providers and equipment manufacturers, are not eligible for membership. 

We value your voice

ACCAN trusts our member network to inform us about the communications issues that are affecting themselves and/or their members/clients. To effectively advocate for change our lobbying and campaigns need to be evidence based and supported by strong personal stories. We therefore regularly seek input from our members in the form of surveys or occasional telephone calls. If you don’t have the time to participate, we don’t mind but equally welcome contact from our members whenever there is an issue that you’d like us to look at.

Membership pricing

ACCAN membership is renewed yearly and based on the applicant's income.  The fees are structured as follows:

Organisational Membership

Income LevelCost (inc GST)
Income under $25,000  $27.50  
Income $25,001 to $50,000  $44.00 
Income $50,001 to $200,000  $88.00
Income $200,001 to $1,000,000  $154.00 
Income $1,000,001 to $2,000,000   $220.00 
Income over $2,000,001 $275.00  

Individual Membership

Income Level  Cost (inc GST)
Unwaged   $22.00  
Waged  $33.00  

Fee Waivers

Both Individual and Organisational Members and applicants can apply for a fee waiver. If you would like your fees waived please contact ACCAN to discuss further.


Take the first step today and become a member by calling ACCAN on (02) 9288 4000 or

Apply online


You may also download the application form below and return signed forms to ACCAN.

Download:  docxOrganisational Membership Application89.6 KB

Download:  pdfOrganisational Membership Application191.9 KB

Download:  docxIndividual Membership Application87.89 KB

Download:   pdfIndividual Membership Application193.83 KB


ACCAN’s purpose is to work for “communications services that are trusted, inclusive, accessible and available for all.”  We need the expertise and support of individuals and organisations to help guide ACCAN’s work towards better outcomes for all communications consumers. ACCAN facilitates opportunities each year through our consultative forums and conference for ACCAN Members to help guide our strategic direction. Become an ACCAN Member and have your voice heard!

The benefits of becoming an ACCAN member are:

We put consumers first

We are a community-based, member-driven, not-for-profit, non-party political organisation.

Be heard:

Tell us about your issues and opinions through direct contact with us. We also have expert Advisory Forums, which members can nominate to join, which help us identify consumer issues and strategies to address them. 

Be informed:

Our weekly newsletter will keep you up to date with news and issues affecting consumers and the communications industry. Your membership also means you will receive ACCAN at a Glance which will keep you up to date with our policy, grants and research activities, as well as industry and regulatory news, and tip sheets.

Be equipped:

ACCAN tip sheets and educational resources will help you and your constituents on consumer rights and important issues.

Fight the good fight:

Take part in our campaigns, research and grants projects to help us advocate for consumer rights.


Participate in ACCAN Events, including discounted fees for our annual conference, profiling your work and events through our website, find other events and contacts through ACCAN.

Have a say:

Your membership to ACCAN entitles you to nominate and vote for directors on the ACCAN Board.  You can also choose to become a non-voting, Associate Member.