Young woman reviewing her bill while holding her disconnected phoneWhat are your rights?

Network outage? No service? Call failure?

  • If you have been disadvantaged or lost money due to a phone or internet outage, you might be able to claim compensation.
  • Compensation should make up for your loss.
  • For example, if your internet is out for one week you could ask for your money back for that week. You may be able to claim for costs incurred, like getting your internet fixed or using extra mobile data.

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The ACCC, after consultation and consideration, made a draft decision to reject the nbn’s proposed variation to the Special Access Undertaking. This was due to consideration that a number of the proposed changes are not in the interest of consumers. Additionally, the ACCC asked further questions in relation to nbn charges over the Multi Technology Mix.

The Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN) welcomes the ACCC’s draft decision to not declare a wholesale domestic mobile roaming service. In its submission to the ACCC Inquiry, ACCAN questioned whether regulated domestic roaming would result in better mobile coverage and improved competition in regional, rural and remote areas. ACCAN notes the ACCC’s finding that there is insufficient evidence that declaring domestic mobile roaming would lower prices for rural and regional consumers.

“ACCAN is a strong advocate for better mobile coverage and improved competition in regional and rural areas,” said ACCAN CEO, Teresa Corbin. “Consumers and small businesses in regional, rural and remote areas want additional coverage where they live, work and travel. It’s unclear whether declaring domestic mobile roaming would achieve this.

The Australian Senate Community Affairs Committee has conducted an inquiry into the outcomes of the National Disability Strategy.

ACCAN was pleased to be able to make a submission to the inquiry highlighting the key areas in which consumers with disability are struggling to get and stay connected to communications services:

Farming using tabletIn April, some members of the Regional, Rural and Remote Communications Coalition had their say on issues relating to the NBN rollout at public hearings in front of the Joint Parliamentary Standing Committee on the National Broadband Network.

This blog summarises the issues highlighted by AgForce Queensland, Better Internet for Rural, Regional & Remote Australia (BIRRR) and ACCAN at these hearings. Transcripts for the hearings and submissions to the Committee are available online.

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Woman sitting at desk talking on mobile phoneRecently ACCAN has heard increasing reports about fraudulent mobile number porting and identity theft.

What is a mobile number porting scam?

Fraudulent mobile number porting happens when a scammer uses your personal details to port your mobile number from one provider to another. Scammers can get access to your personal details, such as your date of birth, phone number and address, via your social media profiles.

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The first thing that you should do if you are struggling to pay a bill is contact your service provider so you can discuss your options. Your provider can set up a payment plan for you, and while this is in place they will not report your debt to a Credit Reporting Agency.

Below are the contact details for some of the main service providers.




  • Call 1800 185 289
  • Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
  • Further online information
  • Download: Vodafone Hardship Policy [downloads from the Vodafone website]

TPG Telecom


  • Call 1300 907 283
  • Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Further online information




  • Call 1300 808 300 (567 free from your Amaysim mobile)
  • Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Download: Amaysim Hardship Policy [opens on Amaysim website]
  • Further online information


Southern Phone

Boost Mobile


  • Call 1300 312 337
  • Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Further online information


Centrelink Telephone Allowance

If you have a Pensioner Concession Card or Commonwealth Seniors Health Card, you might be eligible for the Government’s Telephone Allowance, as included in the Pensioner Supplement or Seniors Supplement.

You can read more information about whether you can get the Centrelink Telephone Allowance by clicking here.

Telstra Pensioner Discount

The Telstra Pensioner Discount provides eligible pensioner customers with a monthly call discount on their Telstra home phone service.

If you are eligible for the discount, you can also get free access to Call Control, a waiver on late payment fees, and fee-free payment options.

You can register by calling Telstra on 13 2200.

Telstra Disability Equipment Program

This program provides Telstra customers with products that make calling easier for people with disability. These products include phones with larger buttons, visual alerts, cochlear implant adaptors, and teletypewriters (TTY). If you are eligible you can rent the equipment for the same price as a normal phone handset.

For more information:

  • Visit Telstra’s disability services page.
  • Call the Telstra Disability Enquiry Hotline (Mon – Fri 8am – 5pm EST) on
    • 1800 068 424 (voice)
    • 1800 808 981 (TTY).

Centrelink Telephone Allowance

If you have a Pensioner Concession Card or Commonwealth Seniors Health Card, you might be eligible for the Government’s Telephone Allowance, as included in the Pensioner Supplement or Seniors Supplement.

You can read more information about whether you can get the Centrelink Telephone Allowance by clicking here.

Telstra Pensioner Discount

The Telstra Pensioner Discount provides eligible pensioner customers with a monthly call discount on their Telstra home phone service.

If you are eligible for the discount, you can also get free access to Call Control, a waiver on late payment fees, and fee-free payment options.

You can register by calling Telstra on 13 2200.

Telstra Home Phone Essential package

The Telstra Home Phone Essential package is a cheaper home phone plan for eligible Telstra customers.

To be eligible you must hold an eligible Health Care Card or Pension Concession Card.


If you are a Telstra customer you might benefit from the Telstra Access for Everyone Program.

The Access for Everyone program provides products and services to help people on a low income and people in financial hardship to stay connected to essential telecommunications services. Click on the link above to read more about what services and products might be available to you.

You might be eligible to receive the Centrelink Telephone Allowance to help you pay for your phone and internet connection.

If you are eligible you can receive a payment from the Government of either $28.20 or $42.00 every three months.

You can read more information about whether you can get the Centrelink Telephone Allowance by clicking here.

How can I claim the Centrelink Telephone Allowance?

If the Centrelink Telephone Allowance is not already paid to you as a part of your Centrelink payments, and you would like to receive it, or if you are unsure whether you are eligible, you should contact Centrelink.

You can contact Centrelink: