ACCAN Spring 2017 Magazine cover

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ACCAN’s 2017 National Conference, ACCANect: Your place in the connected world, will focus on consumer issues related to our increased connectivity and the digital world. It’s being held at the Aerial UTS Function Centre in Sydney over the next two days.

“Digital technology has transformed consumer experiences,” said ACCAN CEO, Teresa Corbin. “Consumers can buy products, access information, and communicate with people anywhere in the world with just the touch of a button. This increased connectivity raises some big questions and implications for consumers.

“As we become more and more connected and government services move online, how can we ensure that everyone can get access to the internet? How safe is our personal information? What information is being collected about us from connected devices? These are some of the issues we’ll explore at the Conference,” added Ms Corbin.

Couple stand among a sample of IoT devices

University of New South Wales, School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications

Grant round: 2016

Amount: $50,000

The Regional, Rural and Remote Communications Coalition (RRRCC) today met with members of the National Broadband Network (nbn) executive team, including Chief Executive Officer Bill Morrow, to discuss ways of improving broadband access in rural, regional and remote Australia.

The meeting was instigated by nbn following almost 12 months of extensive activity by the RRRCC to raise awareness of the challenges consumers in rural, regional and remote areas continue to face.

“We appreciate nbn inviting the Coalition to discuss ongoing issues firsthand,” AgForce representative, Georgie Somerset said.

“It is certainly valuable that Bill Morrow and his senior team have taken the time to again meet with us directly and discuss the issues we have.”

Google and ACCAN partnered again in 2017 to offer a paid internship opportunity. Applicants were invited to submit a brief proposal outlining a research project on an emerging communications consumer issue.

The winner was law and communications student, Jesse Chen, who wrote an in-depth research report titled: 'Breaking Down Barriers to Digital Government: How can we enable vulnerable consumers to have equal participation in digital government?

Man using smartphone on street at nightWe’re pleased to announce the successful Grants for 2017-18. This year the projects look at a range of communications consumer issues including the growing spyware marketplace, how consumers can access their online data, the needs of those living in rural, regional and remote communities, and ways telecommunications providers can better engage with people with disability.

The ACCAN Grants Program funds projects which undertake research on telecommunications issues, represent consumers or create educational tools which empower consumers to derive the greatest benefit from telecommunications products and services.

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young girl wearing headphones looks to right against black backgroundCurtin University, Department of Internet Studies

Grant round: 2017-18

Amount: $32,000

Deakin Spyware Cover Image for web

Deakin University, Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship and Globalisation

Grant round: 2017-18

Amount: $60,728

Concerned red-headed young woman looks at phone, she is backgrounded with streams of personal dataUTS School of Communication

Grant round: 2017-18

Amount: $55,302