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Payphones are an important public resource that helps us to connect. ACCAN has submitted comments about the Consumer Safeguard Instruments for payphone repairs, removals and installations to make sure they work in the interest of consumers.

ACCAN recommends that issues relating to social inclusion in the context of information communication technologies (ICT) should be addressed in the Human Rights Baseline Study and provides examples of statistical data that should be collected to measure this.

Most of us take for granted that we can use any communications device – land-line, mobile or internet – to connect to people, services and help. But the reality is that a significant number of Australians can’t use regular products and services because of illness, disability or other impairment. Inclusive Communications is ACCAN's submission to the Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy (DBCDE)'s Review of Access to Telecommunication Services by People with Disability, Older Australians and People Experiencing Illness.

This submission about the Digital Hubs Draft Program Guidelines was made to the Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy (DBCDE).

ACCAN argues that the Universal Service Obligation (USO) legislative framework must include obligations to provide the infrastructure that will ensure universal access for all Australians to communications services. We also urge a review of the definition of universal service.

There is an overriding barrier that consumers face when attempting to contact an insurance company to make a claim, access external dispute resolution services or free legal advice – the cost of the phone call.

ACCAN wants all consumers to pay a fair price for their phone calls. This paper demonstrates that consumers are paying too much for calls from fixed lines to mobile phones and could pay a better price for mobile-to-mobile calls. 

ACCAN broadly welcomes the draft recommendations stemming from the Australian Communication & Media Authority’s Reconnecting the Customer (‘RTC’) Draft Report, which follows the lifecycle of a consumer’s relationship with a telecommunications service provider from advertising, to point of sale, through to customer service, credit management and complaints-handling. 

ACCAN, in its submission to the ACMA's Numbering Consultation paper 4, has urged the regulator to adopt an approach to numbering that considers the social impact of any change to numbering systems. This submission focuses on the positive impact a fair charging system for 1800, 1300 and 13 calls from mobiles will have on vulnerable consumers. 

Tough measures are needed to ensure that Telstra treats competitors fairly and to ensure the migration of consumers to the NBN is done fairly.

ACCAN argues that a guiding principle for the Convergence Review should be that the broadest range of devices, services and content should be accessible to people with disabilities.

ACCAN argues that financial penalties should be mandatory if telcos seriously under perform on their Customer Service Guarantee (CSG) obligations.