NBN Co’s Special Access Undertaking (SAU) is an important document containing promises from NBN Co about how it will allow access to its network and what services it will offer to telecommunications providers.

This document will set many of the wholesale rules for the industry for the next 30 years. It is up to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) to decide whether the SAU will keep the industry competitive and fair and whether or not to call for changes to the document.

Summary: The major telecommunications and internet service providers have responded to the ACCC’s consultation process on the SAU. ACCAN's submission to the ACCC argues that NBN Co’s SAU will be important for consumers because price and quality factors which will be determined by the SAU are often at the forefront of consumers’ minds when choosing communications services. We therefore urged the ACCC play a stronger role in monitoring the SAU and guarding against price rises.

Submission to: ACCC consultation on NBN Co's SAU

Status: Submitted

Download: Submission to ACCC on NBN Co SAU [Adobe Acrobat PDF - 318.38 KB]
Submission to ACCC on NBN Co SAU [Word Document - 932 KB]