
ACCAN recently commented on the 2023-2030 Australian Cyber Security Strategy Discussion Paper. ACCAN’s submission recommended that:

  • Cyber security by design should be fostered in key software and apps markets.
  • Consumers and small businesses should only have their data collected where strictly necessary and any data collected must be safely stored.
  • Consumer and small business education should be a key focus of the cyber security strategy.
  • Consumer protections should be strengthened to reduce technology facilitated abuse.

ACCAN has provided feedback in response to the ACCC’s Issues Paper on the expanding ecosystems of digital platform service providers. The Issues Paper explores a range of questions related to digital platform ecosystems, Internet of Things (IoT) devices and consumer cloud services in Australia. ACCAN’s submission:

With the cost-of-living front of mind for most Australians, the Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN) is urging the federal government to develop an easy to use, independent and free comparison tool to help consumers navigate the often-complicated telecommunications market.

Currently, it is difficult for consumers to find information about different products, services, and plans available to them. The establishment of an Independent Plan Comparison Tool (IPCT) will provide consumers with key product and price information for telecommunications services, allowing them to select a service offering that best meets their needs. 

ACCAN has today released our Independent Plan Comparison Tool (IPCT) Policy Position. Developed in consultation with consumers and other stakeholders, this position outlines the rationale for an IPCT for the telecommunications sector. 

The IPCT should:

Recent research conducted by the Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN) has found that direct debit is a problem for some consumers, particularly for those who are living week to week.

A thriving and competitive communications market is characterised by a variety of free payment options that reflect consumer preferences for payment. However, some payment options may place unfair financial risk on consumers.

Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN) and the Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) commissioned research on how consumers experience their billing arrangements. 

This research has found that some of the payment options that are offered by telecommunications providers to their customers are not suitable for people in vulnerable circumstances.

Some of the key findings of the research include: 

ACCAN has developed a resource which provides a series of guidelines on how to make publications, presentations, meetings and documents accessible for people with disability.

Download:  docxAccessibility Best-Practice Resources4.65 MB

Download:  pdfAccessibility Best-Practice Resources271.91 KB

ACCAN has responded to the ACCC’s consultation on its Draft Instrument for the Superfast Broadband Access Service (SBAS) Final Access Determination. The SBAS is a declared wholesale access service that retail service providers can use to supply fixed line superfast broadband services to end users.

ACCAN supports the draft instrument which:

ACCAN recently submitted to the Office for Women consultation on the National Strategy to Achieve Gender Equality (the strategy). In our submission we recommended the Office for Women consider gendered violence arising from technology-facilitated abuse as a vital component of the strategy.

Are you a community organisation or school looking to help bridge the digital divide? Listed below are organisations which may be able to help.

Program Supplier (click below)Description
Centorrino Technologies Centorrino Technologies provides schools with the opportunity to offer parents and students with affordable devices and repayment options, depending on the input of funding from the school. 
Community Grants ACT State Government Community Grants support community organisations through funding to provide access to IT equipment and devices to those most at risk of digital exclusion. 
Computer Recycling Scheme The Computer Recycling Scheme offers discounted, refurbished ex-government devices for purchase by schools in South Australia. 
Computerbank Computerbank is a not-for-profit organisation, providing refurbished laptops and devices to disadvantaged individuals and community groups. 
Data Zoo Data Zoo aims to bridge the digital divide by donating devices to remote schools through their Digi-Tech program. Schools can register their interest in the Digi-Tech program by getting in touch with Data Zoo. 
Digital Donation Program Through the Digital Donation Program, South Australian not-for-profit organisations can apply to receive refurbished ex-government laptops. 
DV Safe Phone DV Safe Phone partners with community organisations to facilitate the donation of refurbished devices to victims of domestic violence. Agencies can register to be a distribution point via Halt Map Project. Donations are welcome from the public. 
Fraser Coast Community Grants Program Each year, Fraser Coast Council donates a number of retired computers to not-for-profit community organisations with the aim of meeting the needs of the community and to help build skills and capacity of members of the community. 
Givit Givit connects registered community organisations and schools looking for donated goods with members of the general public who have goods to donate. Community organisations and schools are able to register with Givit and request items to support vulnerable individuals, including donated devices. 
Good 360 Good 360 connects member organisations with Australian retailers looking to donate spare stock. Member organisations can purchase goods online for only the cost of shipping and handling, including bulk orders. 
Good Things Foundation Good Things Foundation manages the Be Connected Network, which, with the support of the Australian Government, provides grants to enable community organisations to purchase devices and fund digital inclusion programs in order to reduce the digital divide within the community. 
Hello Inititiative Hello Initiative connects young people in the justice system with refurbished phones and mobile data. Hello Initiative works closely with community organisations to ensure support is delivered where it is needed and, once the device is delivered, touch base to ensure the support is still needed. 
Infoxchange Infoxchange, in partnership with Connecting Up, provides free or heavily discounted devices and software to eligible not-for-profits. Not-for-profits are required to join as a member of Connecting Up and must be verified as an eligible not-for-profit. 
LiteHaus Digital Inclusion Program Litehaus International's Digital Inclusion Program works to bridge the digital divide by donating devices to schools in remote areas. Litehaus also partners with a tutoring business to offer additional support for students in remote areas. To date, the program has only been offered in remote areas of Queensland. 
Melbourne City Mission Melbourne City Mission facilitates Creating Connections Education Employment Pathways (CEEP), in partnership with the Victoria Government. CEEP offers approximately 100 packages each year, providing funding of up to $1,200 for education, employment and training related expenses for young people receiving homelessness support in Melbourne. Funding can be used to purchase a necessary device.  
Sam's Spares Sam's Spares is a not-for-profit organisation that refurbishes devices and donates them to community organisations to distribute to those in need. 
The Reconnect Project The Reconnect Project works with community organisations, donating refurbished devices to caseworkers to provide access to devices for clients. Caseworkers are able to advise the type of devices they require and The Reconnect Project sources the technology for them, saving time and money. 
WESNET: Safe Connections 2.0 WESNET, in partnership with Telstra, donates smartphones and SIM cards to participating community organisations for distribution to survivors of domestic and family violence. Funded by the Australian Government WESNET also provides training to help women utilise technology and be safer online. 
WorkVentures WorkVentures specialises in providing tailored technology packages, which help Australia’s most vulnerable people. WorkVentures work with organisations by understanding the unique requirements of the community the organisations are supporting and leverage decades of IT expertise to tailor a package that addresses their needs. 


The Australian Communications Consumer Action Network’s (ACCAN) Board of Directors has unanimously endorsed the organisation’s support of the Voice to Parliament. A Voice to Parliament aligns with ACCAN’s organisational vision of Communications services that are trusted, inclusive, accessible, and available for all. A Voice to Parliament also aligns strongly with ACCAN’s Reconciliation Action Plan vision of a united Australia that acknowledges its past and values the unique culture and heritage of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

The Board and staff of ACCAN support a successful Referendum that will enshrine a First Peoples Voice to Parliament in our Constitution. A Voice that can provide independent advice to Parliament and Government enables true self-determination by ensuring the diverse First Nations perspectives and aspirations are authentically embedded in decisions affecting their lives. A Voice will also provide new opportunities for community consultation to improve communications, particularly in regional and remote Australia.

ACCAN responded to the Government’s 2023 Privacy Act consultation. The consultation report offered a number of proposals resulting from the 2022 Privacy Act Review consultation.

in general, ACCAN was pleased with the majority of the proposals in the report.