
South Australian Council on Intellectual Disability

People with intellectual disability are at greater risk to the dangers of the online environment. However, there is limited educational information presented in formats accessible to people with intellectual disability. This project will build on an existing co-designed introductory online safety workshop to develop a series of accessible training resources focused on online safety. A co-design approach will be used to develop, test and refine the products, and gather information about communications related barriers to inform future advocacy. 

Visit SACID's website.

Australia’s peak communications consumer advocacy group, the Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN), has today announced 7 projects that it will fund through the 2023 Round of its Independent Grants Program.

The ACCAN Independent Grants Program funds consumer-focused projects to undertake research, represent consumers, and create educational tools which empower consumers to make decisions in their own interests.

The operation of ACCAN’s Independent Grant Program is made possible by funding provided by the Commonwealth of Australia under section 593 of the Telecommunications Act 1997.

CommsDay Forum Speech – 14 June 2023

Andrew Williams – ACCAN CEO


Good afternoon everyone and thanks to Grahame and the Commsday team for the invitation to present to you today.

Before I begin, I would like to acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the land on which we meet today. I would also like to pay my respects to Elders past, present, and emerging

It’s been a while since I’ve been up on stage at one of these events

As you no doubt are aware, there’s a lot going on in this space at the moment, so I thought I’d use this time to give you an update on some of the key issues as we see them.

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ACCAN recently submitted to the Australian Communications and Media Authority’s (ACMA) consultation on the sunsetting of the Broadcasting Services (Television Captioning) Standard 2013.  This submission was developed in consultation with our members, including Deafness Forum of Australia, Deaf Australia and the Centre for Inclusive Design (CfID). ACCAN’s submission recommended:

  • That the Standard is redrafted with minor amendments to require broadcasters to address issues of latency and synchronicity in the captions used on their television programs.
  • That the redrafted Standard is implemented by the ACMA with stronger compliance and enforcement measures.
  • That the ACMA further investigates and provides information on the implementation of a metric model such as the Number, Edition error, Recognition error (NER) model.

National Reconciliation Week banner - Be the voice for generations

National Reconciliation Week (NRW) is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.

Every year workplaces, schools, early learning services, community groups, reconciliation groups, and people right across the country host a whole range of activities.  ACCAN employees, who for the most part work remotely, were encouraged to visit or research a site of significance in their local area and report their discoveries.

You can download some of the ACCAN employee reports below:

docxArcadia, Magnetic Island - Wayne H13.01 KB

docxBerry Island Reserve - Yuriko H2.43 MB

docxCooks River Strathfield - Elise A4.55 MB

docxDharawal National Park - Kate E15.09 KB

docxEllesmere Camp - Laetitia K1.3 MB

docxGrotto Point Engravings - James OB477.4 KB

docxJibbon Aboriginal Rock Engravings - Kelly L351.41 KB

docxKurrajong of Dharug - Tanya K1.8 MB

docxLake Bummiera - Amelia R62.14 KB

docxRock Shelter at Undercliffe Earlwood - Elie A55.5 KB

docxTerrey Hills petroglyphs - Andrew W534.6 KB

docxTicehurst Park - Richard V1.24 MB


ACCAN recently provided comment on further pricing documents regarding the Variation to the NBN Co Special Access Undertaking Draft Decision consultation to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC).

ACCAN’s submission details our first assessment of the further documentation provided by NBN Co. In our view the additional material does not adequately address the concerns raised by ACCAN in our previous submissions. With respect to the further documentation provided by NBN Co. We consider that:

ACCAN recently submitted to the Senate Environment and Communications Reference Committee’s Inquiry into greenwashing. Greenwashing is where a business or organisation misleads consumers about their products or services as being in some way environmentally friendly.

ACCAN supports RSPs establishing practices to decrease their environmental impact and sharing those practices with consumers. However, consumers should have confidence that the RSPs they choose for their sustainability claims are substantiating those claims. In response to greenwashing in the telecommunications market ACCAN recommends:

ACCAN recently submitted to Communications Alliance’s consultation on the Telecommunications Consumer Protections (TCP) Code Review 2024. ACCAN’s engagement with consumers, consumer representatives, peak bodies, and consumer groups has elicited a common view that the TCP Code provides inadequate consumer protections and is not underpinned by effective compliance, enforcement, and penalty arrangements.

ACCAN recently submitted our comments on the draft grant opportunity guidelines for Rounds 1 and 2 of the Telecommunications Disaster Resilience Innovation program.

ACCAN supports programs that mitigate the impact of natural disasters by strengthening the resilience of telecommunications facilities throughout Australia. In ACCAN’s view, the guidelines provide sound guidance to facilitate grant opportunities that improve the preparedness of Australia’s telecommunications networks against rising climate risks.

ACCAN has recently submitted to the Australian Communications and Media Authority’s call for comments on their draft caption target reduction orders.

ACCAN has recommended that the ACMA do not grant the exemptions for the two channels arguing that they undermine the obligation for subscription broadcasters to provide year-on-year increased quotas for captions.

ACCAN supported the ACMA proposal to remake the Radio Communication Labelling Determination (2013) in a recent submission. The labelling of high-power radiocommunications transmitters operating under transmitter licenses at communal sites enables  both industry and the ACMA with the necessary information to ensure that these transmitters continue to operate as intended. 

ACCAN recently submitted our comments on the Variation to the NBN Co Special Access Undertaking (SAU) Draft Decision consultation.

The SAU sets out the regulatory framework for determining NBN Co’s service offerings, revenue, expenditures and service standards. The variation sets out a framework for extensive engagement with Consumer Advocacy Groups, such as ACCAN to inform the prioritisation of expenditure to align with consumer expectations. While the proposed variation to the SAU represents a material step forward, there is no provision to resource the extensive engagement NBN Co is proposing to undertake, accordingly we consider further refinements are needed.