The Universal Service Obligation (USO) is a vital consumer protection in Australia. The USO ensures a standard telephone service (generally fixed line voice services) and pay phones are accessible to all people in Australia. It was formally introduced in 1991, but it has seen a number of changes over the years.
ACCAN considered it timely to consider the USO and how it should develop into the future. Rethinking the USO, held on 12th March 2015, saw some interesting debate and discussion on what services consumers require today and into the future and how to ensure the right protections are in place. These discussions with stakeholders and key industry players will help inform ACCAN's work in this area.
For further information please see the Media release.
(Presentations provided by participants and converted to PDF's by ACCAN)
Welcome and Introduction
Teresa Corbin, ACCAN CEO
Keynote Address
Paul Fletcher MP, Parliamentary Secretary Assisting the Minister for Communications. Speech delivered at event.
Facilitator Address
Presentation and opening remarks by Rosemary Sinclair. Rosemary Sinclair Rethinking the USO.pdf100.73 KB
Session 1: Is the USO fit for purpose? Problems and gaps in the current USO framework.
- Ramah Sakul, Telstra. Presentation 'Telstra and the Universal Service Obligation'
Telstra and the USO.pdf1.04 MB
- Robin Eckermann, RTIRC.
Robin Eckermann speech.pdf76.77 KB
- Ray Heffernan, Broadband for the Bush Alliance. Presentation 'ReThink the USO'.
BB4B Rethinking USO.pdf938.6 KB
Session 2: What should a universal communications service mean in a multi technology environment?
- Matthew Lobb, Vodafone. Presentation 'Yesterday's Hero: the USO regime'.
Vodafone Yesterdays Hero the USO regime.pdf455.14 KB
- Chris Dodds, Telstra LIMAC/ACOSS.
- Professor Gerard Goggin, University of Sydney. Presentation 'From Universal Service to Communication Rights: Connecting Everyone in the Internet & Mobile Age'.
Gerard Goggin From universal service to communications rights.pdf360.08 KB
- Teresa Corbin, ACCAN CEO. Presentation 'USO internationally'.
ACCAN USO Internationally.pdf180.89 KB
Session 3: How could required services be delivered in the new telecommunications environment?
- Professor Reginald Coutts, Coutts Communications. Presentation '"POTS to PANS (5G)" Journey to Future USO'.
Reg Coutts POTS to PANS Journey to Future USO.pdf752.3 KB
- Keith Besgrove.
- Ramah Sakul, Telstra.
- Andrew Sheridan, Optus. Presentation of paper 'Bringing the USO into the Twenty First Century'.
Optus Bringing the USO into the Twenty First Century.pdf450.72 KB
- Holly Raiche, Internet Society of Australia. Presentation 'Rethinking the USO'.
Holly Raiche Rethinking the USO.pdf418.87 KB
Wrap up and next steps
Teresa Corbin, ACCAN CEO