Our focus

The Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (TIO) is required by section 133A of the Telecommunications (Consumer Protection and Services Standards) Act 1999 to undergo an independent review. The review is being conducted by private consultancy Cameron.Ralph.Khoury and is to be completed by 17 August 2017. ACCAN submitted to the review after consulting with its members about their experiences with, and opinions of the TIO.

The Australian Senate Community Affairs Committee has conducted an inquiry into the outcomes of the National Disability Strategy.

ACCAN was pleased to be able to make a submission to the inquiry highlighting the key areas in which consumers with disability are struggling to get and stay connected to communications services:

The ACCC, after consultation and consideration, made a draft decision to reject the nbn’s proposed variation to the Special Access Undertaking. This was due to consideration that a number of the proposed changes are not in the interest of consumers. Additionally, the ACCC asked further questions in relation to nbn charges over the Multi Technology Mix.

Advertised broadband speeds can be confusing. Claims such as ‘up to’ or ‘ultrafast’ do not explain what the typical speed will be for consumers. It also makes it difficult to compare providers and pick a plan that matches need. The ACCC, through new guidelines, is promoting clearer information on speed claims and ensuring that claims are not misleading consumers.

ACCAN’s submission to the Federal Joint Parliamentary Committee on the NBN highlights a number of solutions to the problems facing consumers.

ACCAN has recently made a submission to the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet’s ICT Procurement Taskforce consultation. The Taskforce is investigating how the Government’s procurement of information and communications technologies can be improved. ACCAN made two recommendations to the Taskforce to ensure that all government information, services and employment opportunities are accessible to people with disability. 

Telecommunication services have always been essential for public health and safety, but today they are a necessity for participation in civic society and transacting with government, for business operations, productivity and growth. ACCAN’s Pre-Budget Submission 2017-18 discusses market gaps and gives recommendations on telecommunications initiatives that will benefit consumers including:

In December 2016 the Department of Communications and Arts consulted on three legislative reforms;
• to clarify the rules around broadband networks,
• to ensure everyone has access to a broadband network through the Statutory Infrastructure Provider, and
• to establish funding of regional broadband services.

The Productivity Commission released in December 2016 its draft inquiry report on the obligation (universal service obligation) that ensures all Australians can access telephone services. While the draft report supports our view that the obligation is outdated and that consumers should have access to broadband services, there are a number of elements which ACCAN raised as concerning in our submission.

The Attorney-General’s Department recently invited submissions on whether data retained under the Data Retention Scheme should be made available to parties to civil proceedings (for example family law cases and copyright infringement cases).

ACCAN’s submission includes a number of reasons why this information should not be made available in civil cases, including that:

In November 2016, the Department of Communications and the Arts undertook a review of funding for consumer representation and research and how ACCAN has delivered. This was a valuable opportunity to examine communications consumer representation and research; consider the current model’s effectiveness and the ongoing relevance of s593, as well as future considerations and options.

As part of the response we produced an infographic which compares consumer representation and research before ACCAN was established and an outline of the services we now provide each year. ACCAN’s full submission is also linked below.

In November 2016 the Productivity Commission released its Data Availability and Use Draft Report.

ACCAN is pleased that the Productivity Commission has initiated a discussion into how consumers can exercise greater control over data held about them, including a proposal to create a Comprehensive Right to Data Access for individuals.

By increasing the availability and use of data across the private and public sectors, and to individual consumers about themselves, there is potential to stimulate innovation and competitiveness in the marketplace. This could lead to increased choice and better decision-making for consumers, as well as increased transparency and accountability in Government.