In August, the government issued a "request for tender" for the National Relay Service (NRS). The NRS offers a phone solution for people who are Deaf, hearing-impaired or speech-impaired.

The information that follows explains what types of services might be offered to NRS users in the future by the organisation who is successful in winning the government contracts.

View this information in Auslan: YouTube video (external site)

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Peak consumer body ACCAN says current and ex Vodafone customers will be left shaking their heads today when they discover that, 12 months on, the telecommunications regulator has let the provider off virtually scot-free for the widespread network, complaint-handling problems that plagued Vodafone customers last summer.

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ACCAN Chief Executive Officer, Teresa Corbin, delivered an address to the telecommunications industry at the CommsDay Congress in Melbourne on Wednesday 12th October. Her speech covered a range of subjects, including the history of consumer representation in telecommunications and its funding arrangements, an outline of the work ACCAN does, and why consumer representation in this area remains so vital.

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Great news! Australia’s first-ever audio described television will be broadcast on ABC1 from August 5 this year. Audio Description (AD) is an additional verbal commentary that complements the existing soundtrack of a program for people who are blind or vision impaired. It is a narration that explains what is happening visually on screen during a television program.

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Use social media? Have a disability?

If you do, then ACCAN and Media Access Australia (MAA) would like to hear from you.

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Professor Michael Fraser AM has been named as the new Chair of the ACCAN Board following a meeting held in ACCAN’s Sydney office yesterday.

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In establishing ACCAN in 2009, the government committed to conduct a review of ACCAN's performance after two years of operation. Having now reached that point, the Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy (DBCDE) is keen to hear your views.

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Congratulations to ACCAN's own Wayne Hawkins, who won a prestigious award at the 2011 Deafness Forum Captioning Awards held in Sydney last night.

Wayne was awarded the Roma Wood OAM Community Award for his contribution to changes that will see captioning quality standards enshrined in legislation. This is a great win, not only for ACCAN, but for all Australians who are Deaf or hearing-impaired, people who use captions in noisy environments, to learn English, or for any of the many reasons that captioning is in demand.

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ACCAN has appointed its Standing Advisory Committee (SAC) members for the next two years until June 2013. ACCAN’s Standing Advisory Committees provide guidance and direction as we work towards available, accessible and affordable communications that enhance the lives of all consumers.

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Senator Stephen Conroy has today released the details of the Federal Government’s Review of Access to Telecommunications Services by People with Disability, Older Australians and People Experiencing Illness.

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ACCAN has received a record 71 applications for the 2011 round of the ACCAN Grants Scheme, which closed on 20 April 2011.

This represents more than a threefold increase from last year. We're delighted to have received such a diverse mix of high-quality applications with projects spanning a wide range of communications issues affecting Australian consumers. 

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