The global organisation representing consumer groups, Consumers International, is asking Australians to be part of their project aimed at holding internet service providers to account. You can help by taking part in the 10-minute online survey so we can see how Australia compares to the rest of the world for broadband services.

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We've been advocating for available, accessible and affordable communications in the lead up to the September election, discussing our current policy priority wish list with politicians from all major parties:

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The Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN) has called for new rules that require consumers to give their consent before receiving any kind of mobile premium service.

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The Australian Communication and Media Authority (ACMA) have begun the exciting and challenging mission of  rebuilding their website and they're looking for your help.

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After a year of community calls for action, including those made Fair Calls for All superhero, Number Woman, the telecommunications regulator, the Australian Communications & Media Authority (ACMA), has proposed changes so that 1800 numbers will be free and 13/1300 numbers will cost about 30 cents to call from a mobile phone, just as they currently do from landlines.

Now’s the time to take action! The ACMA wants to hear from interested parties by this Wednesday 30th November. So far we've had over 750 people make a submission, and we've made it easy for you to share your story.

Send a message to the ACMA to say that you want Fair Calls For All. It only takes a minute or two!

Further background on the Fair Calls campaign

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The presentations and transcripts of all M-Enabling Australasia 2013 sessions are now available. M-Enabling Australasia 2013, held on 14-15 August 2013, brought together the who's who of disability advocacy, policy makers, manufacturers, developers, service providers and consumers to discuss how to make technology more accessible for people with disability and older consumers.

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Registrations are now open for the third annual ACCAN National Conference being held in Sydney on 5th and 6th September 2012. This year’s theme is Delivering for Consumers. Over two days, delegates will hear about the new competitive environment, following the structural separation of Telstra and the National Broadband Network rollout; regulatory changes to consumer protection; and explore big-picture issues like privacy and financial hardship measures. We’ll also take a look at new and emerging technologies and investigate whether mainstream technologies can deliver for consumers with disability.

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With the financial support of ACCAN, Deaf Australia, the national peak organisation for Deaf people in Australia, is undertaking a national online survey about mobile phone usage by Deaf people. If you are Deaf or hard of hearing, take the survey and be in the running to win an iPad mini.

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New research published today examines the challenges faced by not-for-profit organisations in the Northern Rivers of NSW and their clients in relation to accessing information communications technology. The report, Another Barrier?, provides a snapshot of those living in regional areas who continue to struggle with the basics of availability, affordability, and accessibility of communications services.

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A stellar line-up of government, industry, regulatory authorities and consumer representatives will share ideas and spark debates at the third annual ACCAN National Conference being held in Sydney on 5th-6th September 2012. 

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A new fact sheet "Mobile premium services - Information for consumers" has been developed jointly by the Australian Communications and Media Authority and the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission. ---

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ACCAN congratulates Dr Will Tibben and Gunela Astbrink, winners of this year's 2013 Telstra-TJA Christopher Newell prize for their paper 'The Role of Public Procurement in Accessibility to ICT'. The annual prize is awarded to the best paper offered for publication to the Telecommunications Journal of Australia (TJA) that demonstrates the benefits of telecommunications for people with disability.

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