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According to industry newsletter Communications Day, the government is now expecting to receive the much anticipated Vertigan Review (formally known as the NBN cost-benefit analysis and review of regulatory arrangements) early in July and plans to make a public release of the report before the end of the month.

Tuesday 1 July 10.00am

The Australian Communications Consumer Action Network welcomes today's announcement that telcos will make mobile calls to 1800 numbers free of charge, but says it will hold the industry to its commitments regarding 1300 numbers.


'Collections & Hardship Programs in Utilities, Banks & Telecommunications: Exploring best practice in hardship programs and collections across four sectors'

Thank you for the invitation to speak today.

As some of you may know ACCAN stands for the Australian Communications Consumer Action Network. We are the peak body for consumer representation and advocacy in communications.

ACCAN, Australia's peak body for communications consumers, says the government's deregulation proposals which could affect the amount of time consumers have to wait to get a landline phone connected or fixed must be more comprehensively reviewed. ACCAN has also flagged concerns around proposed changes to privacy rules for the telco industry.

The Australian Communications Consumer Action Network and the Australian Human Rights Commission have today launched the inaugural Apps For All Challenge 2014, a competition to find Australia's most accessible apps.

Peak telecommunications consumer body ACCAN has endorsed the Government's Bill to create a competitive global roaming market. The legislation will allow the ACCC to investigate, and if necessary, act on wholesale global roaming prices between Australia and New Zealand, with the potential for similar agreements with other countries. This will have a positive impact on Australian consumers, businesses, and telcos.

Peak communications consumer group ACCAN says quarterly complaints data released today by the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (TIO) shows an overall decrease in complaints, yet excess data charges and connections in NBN areas are a concern.

Three leading consumer organisations have joined forces, calling on Australians to stop throwing away their monthly mobile phone allowance and help drive greater competition from providers.

ACCAN, Australia's peak communications consumer body, says some consumers are being gouged by telcos for sending an SMS and has asked the ACCC to take action.

ACCAN, Australia's peak body for communications consumers, has written an open letter to Google Australia & New Zealand managing director, Ms Maile Carnegie, calling on Google to follow its own mission statement and make online information 'universally accessible' by making its reCAPTCHA service fully accessible.

ACCAN, Australia's peak body for communications consumers, congratulates Telstra on its plan to delete discriminatory online CAPTCHA tests from its websites and encourages other providers and businesses to follow suit.

Australians who are deaf or hard of hearing will be able to have phone conversations in near real-time thanks to a new 24/7 communications service switched on today.