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ACCAN has responded to an ACCC consultation on NBN Co’s proposed variation to its Special Access Undertaking (SAU). The SAU sets out the rules by which NBN Co provides wholesale access to retailers. The SAU can determine price and quality of voice and broadband services delivered over the NBN until 2040.
The SAU variation lodged by NBN Co in November 2022 represents a significant step forward compared to its previous Variation. There are many aspects of the latest proposal that ACCAN supports such as the shift to a flat rate pricing construct, the reduction of the Initial Cost Recovery Account, the Replacement Module Application process, and the introduction of the Weighted Average Price Cap.
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ACCAN has responded to The Treasury’s Digital Platforms: Government consultation on ACCC’s regulatory reform recommendations Consultation Paper. In our submission we supported the introduction of:
Read more: Digital Platforms: Government consultation on ACCC’s regulatory reform recommendations...
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ACCAN has provided feedback on the ACCC’s record keeping rule (RKR) for NBN’s service performance.
ACCAN supports the proposal which will require NBN Co to submit service quality and network performance metrics to the ACCC, where the ACCC will publicly report on the information collected.
ACCAN considers that the RKR should be amended to:
Read more: Record Keeping Rule – NBN Service Performance Consultation Paper
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ACCAN recently submitted to the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts’ consultation on the Regional Connectivity Program Round 3 (including Mobile Black Spot opportunities) Grant Opportunity Draft Guidelines. In our submission we recommended:
Read more: Regional Connectivity Program Round 3 Grant Guidelines
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ACCAN recently submitted to the Department of Social Services’ consultation on a new Act to replace the Disability Services Act 1986 (The Act). ACCAN welcomes the commitment of the new Act to affirm the rights and freedoms contained in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). ACCAN’s submission calls for the new Act to:
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ACCAN recently submitted to the Australian Treasury’s pre-budget consultation, to provide our views on priorities for the 2023-2024 Australian Budget. Promoting digital inclusion is key to achieving the Australian Government’s Digital Economy Strategy and to boosting productivity and living standards for Australians. ACCAN’s submission calls on the Australian Government to commit to the following in the 2023-2024 Budget:
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ACCAN recently submitted to Communications Alliance’s consultation on DR C647:2022 NBN Access Transfer Code.
ACCAN supports the amendments proposed in the draft code, which will facilitate the efficient transfer of NBN services. The proposed amendments will support the verification and transfer process and provide benefits by:
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ACCAN recently responded to The Treasury’s Regulating Buy Now, Pay Later in Australia consultation on the future regulatory framework for buy now, pay later (BNPL) arrangements under the National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009 (the Credit Act). In our submission we endorsed the joint consumer submission to this consultation led by Financial Rights Legal Centre.
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ACCAN recently submitted to the Senate Standing Committee on Environment and Communications on the Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (Information Disclosure, National Interest and Other Measures) Bill 2022 (the Bill).
ACCAN’s submission set out our support for the Bill and in particular:
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ACCAN recently submitted to the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts’ consultation on the draft Telecommunications (Infringement Notice Penalties) Determination 2022. The Draft Determination provides an alternative to instituting court proceedings by establishing a cost-effective and efficient enforcement process for the recovery of a pecuniary penalty. Noting the critical role of Infringement Notices in facilitating compliance, we support:
Read more: Draft Telecommunications (Infringement Notice Penalties) Determination 2022
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ACCAN has responded to the ACCC’s consultation on its Draft Decision regarding the Superfast Broadband Access Service (SBAS) access determination inquiry. The SBAS is a declared wholesale access service that retail service providers (RSPs) can use to supply fixed line superfast broadband services to end users.
ACCAN supports the ACCC’s draft decision to regulate the price and non-price terms of access for the SBAS until July 2026, including:
Read more: Superfast broadband access service – access determination inquiry
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ACCAN has responded to the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts’ consultation on the draft Telecommunications Universal Obligation (Standard Telephone Service – Requirements and Circumstances) Determination 2022. The Draft Determination limits the circumstances in which it is not considered reasonable for Telstra to provide a Standard Telephone Service (STS) upon request.