ACCAN has responded to the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts’ consultation on the draft Telecommunications Universal Obligation (Standard Telephone Service – Requirements and Circumstances) Determination 2022. The Draft Determination limits the circumstances in which it is not considered reasonable for Telstra to provide a Standard Telephone Service (STS) upon request.
ACCAN considers there is an enduring need for the Draft Determination and that it should be remade following the approach taken in the Telecommunications (Statutory Infrastructure Providers – Circumstances for Exceptions to Connection and Supply Obligations) Determination 2021. This would require a principle based approach to the definition of a premises to ensure that consumers who should reasonably receive an STS are able to do so at their premise. ACCAN supports a shorter sunsetting period for this instrument of three years.
Download: DITRDCA - Reasonable request to supply USO3.53 MB
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