ACCAN has responded to the ACCC’s consultation on its Draft Decision regarding the Superfast Broadband Access Service (SBAS) access determination inquiry. The SBAS is a declared wholesale access service that retail service providers (RSPs) can use to supply fixed line superfast broadband services to end users.
ACCAN supports the ACCC’s draft decision to regulate the price and non-price terms of access for the SBAS until July 2026, including:
- Benchmarking the 25 Mbps and 50 Mbps speed tiers to NBN inclusive of the bundled access price.
- Regulating non-recurring charges.
- Requiring SBAS providers to provide data on reliability and performance of services to current and potential access seekers, and report actual performance against its service standards on a quarterly basis
- Removing the exclusion from regulated access for small networks.
ACCAN raised concerns at the proposal to continue to benchmark Telstra’s Fibre Access Broadband service to Telstra’s wholesale asymmetric digital subscriber line service, at download/upload speeds of 30/1 Mbps. We are also opposed to the proposal to allow networks exempt from the Regional Broadband Scheme the opportunity to charge prices benchmarked to wholesale prices including the levy.
Download: ACCC - SBAS FAD Draft Decision3.52 MB
Download: ACCC - SBAS FAD Draft Decision177.48 KB