ACCAN recently submitted to the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts’ consultation on the draft Telecommunications (Infringement Notice Penalties) Determination 2022. The Draft Determination provides an alternative to instituting court proceedings by establishing a cost-effective and efficient enforcement process for the recovery of a pecuniary penalty. Noting the critical role of Infringement Notices in facilitating compliance, we support:
- The remaking Telecommunications (Infringement Notice Penalties) Determination 2012;
- The Department undertaking a review of graduated penalty amounts and benchmark penalties to ensure that they reflect community expectations and provide efficient incentives for compliance; and
- The Department committing to periodic reviews of all IN penalty amounts to facilitate compliance going forward.
Download: DITRCA draft Telecommunications IN Penalties Determination3.52 MB
Download: DITRCA draft Telecommunications IN Penalties Determination222.12 KB