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ACCAN recently submitted to the Department of Climate Change, Energy, The Environment and Waters’ Circular Economy Ministerial Advisory Group (CEMAG).

ACCAN supports the CEMAG’s identification of the ‘right to repair’ as an activity the government should consider pursuing in the product design and use space.

ACCAN recently submitted to the Department of Social Services’ consultation on the Review of Australia’s Disability Strategy. 

ACCAN notes that accessible communications and technology are central to the success of the Australian Disability Strategy (ADS).

ACCAN recently submitted to the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (TIO)’s consultation on its proposed amendments to the Terms of Reference (ToR) 2024.

Our submission supported:

ACCAN recently submitted to the Regional Telecommunications Independent Review Committee’s consultation on the 2024 Regional Telecommunications Review. 

Since the last Regional Telecommunications Review, regional, rural, and remote (RRR) communities’ experiences of natural disasters and the cost-of-living crisis have highlighted the importance of affordable, reliable, and resilient communications services.

ACCAN recently submitted to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s (ACCC) public inquiry on the access determinations for the voice interconnections services discussion paper.

ACCAN recently submitted to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s (ACCC) issues paper for the Digital Platform Services Inquiry – March 2025 – Final report.

ACCAN recently submitted to the Australian Media and Communications Authority’s (ACMA) Our approach to radiocommunications licensing and allocation 2024 consultation.

ACCAN’s submission:

ACCAN recently submitted to the Department of Social Services consultation on the Draft List of NDIS Support. 

ACCAN notes that the current draft list of NDIS support would block the purchase of devices with important accessibility features required for some NDIS participants to communicate.

ACCAN recently submitted to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s Telecommunications (Infringement Notices) Guidelines 2024 Consultation Paper.

ACCAN’s submission recommended expanding the instances in which an authorised infringement notice officer may consider other forms of enforcement action appropriate in respect of an alleged contravention.

ACCAN recently submitted to the Australian Communications and Media Authority’s opportunity to reply to comments on the Review of the Numbering Plan and other instruments discussion paper.

ACCAN recently submitted to the NSW Digital Inclusion Strategy. In the submission, we suggested the NSW Telco Authority:

  • Ensure everyone in NSW has access to affordable broadband services and devices.
  • Consider the accessibility of appropriate communications services in regional, rural, and remote communities and First Nations communities in NSW.
  • Investigate the availability of communications services and devices for people with disability in NSW.

ACCAN recently submitted to the First Nations Digital Inclusion Advisory Group’s consultation on establishing a roadmap for First Nations digital inclusion.

ACCAN endorses the development of the First Nations digital inclusion roadmap, which aims to provide sustained guidance on collaborative approaches between government, industry, and First Nations peoples and communities to address the digital divide. In addition to ACCAN’s responses to the consultation questions, we recommend that the First Nations Digital Inclusion Advisory Group explore governance and legislative channels to mandate First Nations representation on government, regulatory, and industry boards.