ACCAN recently submitted to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s (ACCC) public inquiry on the access determinations for the voice interconnections services discussion paper.

Voice interconnection services are critical wholesale inputs to the communications services used by consumers, and consequently the pricing and terms of access for these services can have material impacts on consumers.

ACCAN’s submission recommended that the ACCC:

  • Adopt a ‘bill and keep’ or zero nominal price. Alternatively, adopt rollover prices with a simple adjustment, noting that the cost and complexity of other pricing methodologies is unlikely to be merited.
  • Clarify that the determination does not require an access provider to provide access for unlawful scam traffic.
  • Specify a show cause process for resolving access disputes regarding potential unlawful scam traffic, with access providers required to demonstrate the processes they have used to distinguish between legitimate and illegitimate traffic.

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