The federal government's $100 million program to boost mobile coverage in regional and rural Australia is now underway. While the program won't stop all of us from having to stand on car roofs or hang out of trees to get a signal, this fresh investment is a welcome step.

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ACCAN's engagement with rural, regional and remote consumers has continually highlighted the importance of improving mobile communications outside of urban centres. Better mobile coverage will yield a range of benefits to regional and remote Australia including improved business opportunities, better access to essential services and enhanced safety and well-being. 

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Summary: The ACCAN Grants Scheme is now open and accepting applications for a total funding pool of $250,000.

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ACCAN has today released its updated broadband policy position – Our Broadband Future. This 2014 update takes into account the views of members expressed to us in consultations we held last year.

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The M-Enabling Australasia 2013 conference was held on 14-15 August in Sydney, Australia. The two days consisted of enthralling discussions and practical presentations about mobile technologies and how they can benefit people with disability and older consumers.

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Summary: Would you know if some of your consumer rights were left out of a telco contract? And could it end up costing you? ACCAN's fine print project reveals some concerning findings, with the ACCC asked to step in to protect consumers.

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This Sunday 26 January, the ACCAN team will be down at Yabun, Australia's biggest Indigenous festival with a range of useful info and giveaways. We also have a fantastic print by emerging Indigenous artist Graham Toomey to give away to a lucky visitor to our stall.

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Summary: ACCAN policy officer Xavier O'Halloran describes an all-too-familiar experience with annoying telemarketers, and why ACCAN thinks we should hang up on their calls for good.

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Summary: ACCAN and CHOICE have teamed up to make sure consumers are protected when using m-commerce.

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Summary: Telstra has been fined over half a million dollars for failing to connect new landline phones in a timely manner, yet ACCAN is concerned that affected consumers are unaware of their right to compensation. 

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ACCAN’s NBN Consumer Guide is no longer current and is being reviewed to accurately reflect NBN rollout policy changes. We hope to have an updated guide available once the rollout policy changes are finalised.

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Australians need fast reliable broadband as soon as possible so we don't fall behind other economies around the world. The Coalition's election pledge on broadband was to use a mix of technologies to speed up the rollout of the NBN and provide all Australians with download speeds of at least 25mbps by the end of 2016. The minimum speed accessible to all was promised to rise to 50mbps by the end of 2019 for 90% of those living in the fixed-line footprint (FTTP, FTTN and HFC).

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