Johanna Plante joined the ACCAN Board in 2010 and was then elected as Chairperson in 2011, a role she would hold for 6 years. Johanna’s term on the ACCAN Board finished in 2017 after the organisation had successfully been reviewed. During her time as Chair, ACCAN’s profile grew and industry engagement increased. Johanna has worked tirelessly to improve outcomes for consumers with disabilities particularly for Deaf and Hard of Hearing consumers. She was recently on the Minister appointed Regional Telecommunications Independent Review Committee and she worked hard to ensure the voices of rural, regional and remote consumers were heard.

Sue Salthouse AM became Chair of ACCAN following its first AGM in 2009 and she was also the chair of the ACCAN Standing Advisory Committee on Disability Issues. She was on the inaugural ACCAN Board in 2008 and completed her term at the end of 2011. Prior to that Sue worked closely with TEDICORE on many communications consumers issues. She was on the Telecommunications Consumer Representation Working Group which developed the ACCAN proposal. Sue co-ordinated the Women with Disabilities Australia (WWDA) Telecommunications Working Group and was the Chair of the Communications Alliance Disability Council. Sue has made major contributions to improving the accessibility of telecommunications for people with disabilities in Australia.

Visit Sue's ACCAN condolence page.