ACCAN recently submitted to the NSW Digital Inclusion Strategy. In the submission, we suggested the NSW Telco Authority:

  • Ensure everyone in NSW has access to affordable broadband services and devices.
  • Consider the accessibility of appropriate communications services in regional, rural, and remote communities and First Nations communities in NSW.
  • Investigate the availability of communications services and devices for people with disability in NSW.

ACCAN recently submitted to the First Nations Digital Inclusion Advisory Group’s consultation on establishing a roadmap for First Nations digital inclusion.

ACCAN endorses the development of the First Nations digital inclusion roadmap, which aims to provide sustained guidance on collaborative approaches between government, industry, and First Nations peoples and communities to address the digital divide. In addition to ACCAN’s responses to the consultation questions, we recommend that the First Nations Digital Inclusion Advisory Group explore governance and legislative channels to mandate First Nations representation on government, regulatory, and industry boards.

ACCAN recently submitted to the Joint Select Committee on Social Media and Australian Society’s inquiry on the influence and impacts of social media on Australian society.

Social media, digital communications services and telecommunications have converged and become ubiquitous in Australian society. Communications policy needs to urgently adapt to the integral role that social media and digital communications services now play, including imposing similar responsibilities and regulatory settings on these digital communications companies as those imposed on the existing telecommunications sector.