In September the ACCC commenced a broad study into the telecommunications market and the likely developments over the next 5 years. It asked a range of questions about the market to understand if there are any potential issues that will negatively affect consumers. This included questions such as what information would be beneficial to consumers in choosing products, whether competition is working in the voice and broadband service market and whether there are issues with emerging technologies and services.
In our submission we raised a number of issues which may be limiting competition in the market (such as a lack of information on speeds and performance), or negatively affecting consumers (such as a lack of adequate services in some areas and a need for guarantees over broadband services). We also examined the potential impacts of future issues and concerns such as network neutrality.
Download: ACCC Mkt Inquiry ACCAN submission.pdf729.54 KB
Download: ACCC Mkt Inquiry ACCAN submission.docx938.51 KB
Please see our submission in response to the ACCCs draft report released in October 2017.