There are many factors that affect the performance of broadband services that could inform consumer decision making, as shown in the ACCC broadband performance monitoring trial. At the same time, broadband literacy amongst consumers is low. This short survey sought to understand the basis on which consumers decide on broadband products, and provide insight into what information is useful in future decision making.
The survey sampled 1000 household decision makers and found that quality services is the third most important factor for consumers in choosing a service, after price and monthly data allowance. However, consumers were found to be confused by the market. Respondents were split in their opinion on whether providers differ in the level of quality they offered. Fifty-eight per cent of participants agreed with the statement "You get the same speeds at home as advertised in your plan." This confusion and lack of information inevitably leads to disappointment with services, as demonstrated by 69 per cent of respondents saying they had unsatisfactory experiences with their services. The top reason given for this was slow speeds at some times of the day. This indicates that consumers' experience of broadband services may be limited by factors which are outside of their control or visibility.
For more information on the factors that can affect internet quality, check out our article and infographic on what affects the quality of broadband.
Download survey results: Broadband literacy Jan 2016.pdf377.08 KB