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Welcome to our brand new ACCAN website!

We hope that the new site will be an excellent resource for consumers, our members, industry, regulators, government and the media. It contains news items, tip sheets for consumers, policy submissions and position statements, our grant projects and research documents. There’s a special area for ACCAN members and an events page to keep you up to date with what’s going on in the sector.

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Picture representing people connecting to ACCAN for newsWelcome to our collection of the latest news and current affairs that impact communications consumers. 

Sign up for ACCAN's weekly newsletter to have these news items sent to your email address each week. To sign up please click on 'Get our e-newsletter' on the right of this page.


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The 2011 round of the ACCAN Grants Scheme opens today with $250,000 in funding to support consumer research, representation, or education projects related to communications in Australia.  The peak communications group says eligible community organisations, research bodies and individuals looking to fund communications projects can apply for funding of up to $60,000.

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The Australian Consumer Fraud Taskforce will launch National Consumer Fraud Week with a warning that scammers can target you anytime, anywhere, anyhow.

Scammers do not stop at anything to target victims, including adopting a personal touch. Watch out for scammers – whether you are answering a phone call, opening mail, online chatting with friends, shopping or even looking for love.

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ACCAN, as a Principle Partner of the Australasian Consumer Fraud Taskforce during National Consumer Fraud Awareness Week, would like to warmly invite you to attend the launch screening of:

“Internet Scams: how to protect yourself” a consumer education initiative by the WA Deaf Society, funded by ACCAN’s Grants Scheme.

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The Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN) and Media Access Australia (MAA) are calling on the major television networks to include comprehensive captioning on digital free-to-air multichannels after new research has found a high level of awareness and use of closed captions – even among those who aren’t hearing impaired.


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You may have heard that a few days before Christmas the Government released the NBN business case – formally known as the NBN Co Corporate Plan 2011-2013. There was a flurry of media coverage focusing on the financial stuff and the many uncertain assumptions the Plan depends on. But there were also some interesting new details beyond the expenditure and rates of return.

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The National Relay Service is experiencing major interruptions due to the Queensland floods. The National Relay Service (NRS), a phone solution for people who are Deaf, hearing-impaired or speech-impaired, has been dramatically affected by the Brisbane floods. The NRS’s call centre, which is in Brisbane, has had to be evacuated and this has meant that all NRS calls – other than certain emergency calls – are currently unavailable.

These interruptions are continuing, and there is now information available in Auslan (Australian Sign Language).

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Professor Michael Fraser AM has been named as the new Chair of the ACCAN Board following a meeting held in ACCAN’s Sydney office yesterday.

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On Thursday 6 May, the Australian Government released the long awaited report known as the National Broadband Network (NBN) Implementation Study.

Please go to the DBCDE website for a copy of the NBN Implementation Study.

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ACCAN is pleased to announce its Board of Directors for 2010-2011. In accordance with the ACCAN Constitution the ACCAN Board (the Board) will consist of nine (9) elected Directors.

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At some time in the near future you’re likely to use a ‘1800’ or ‘13’ telephone service to make a complaint, access essential financial or legal advice or just order a pizza. ACCAN has launched a campaign to ensure you're able to access these numbers.

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