Catriona Lowe

Cam Scott

Andrew Williams - ACCAN CEO

ACCAN has recently (Aug 2023), provided feedback on the Government’s Draft Communications Legislation Amendment (Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation) Bill.

The Bill provides the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) with reserve powers to ensure that digital platform services are working to protect Australians against harm from online mis and disinformation.

ACCAN recently commented on the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s March 2024 report on data brokers issues paper. The report is the most recent investigation by the regulator as part of the Digital Platform Services Inquiry.

ACCAN is seeking nominations for Directors to fill four (4) vacancies on its Board.

In accordance with the ACCAN Constitution, the 2023-2024 ACCAN Board will consist of nine (9) members[1]. Six (6) positions are continuing Directors from the 2022-2023 Board. One (1) Director is retiring from the Board having completed two full terms and is ineligible for re-election in 2023-24.  One (1) Director resigned from the Board on 16 August 2023. Two (2) Directors were co-opted to fill casual vacancies in 2022-23 in accordance with Section 21 of the ACCAN Constitution and are eligible to nominate for election to the Board.  In accordance with Section 20 of the ACCAN Constitution, Board members are elected for a three-year term.

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The Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN) recently commented on phase two of the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) 2026 Census topic consultation. ACCAN is disappointed by the ABS’ decision not to proceed with the topic of ‘internet access and use, including digital literacy’. 

ACCAN believes the collection of national data on household internet access, use and digital literacy is critical towards understanding how Australian households get and stay connected online. It is also critical for addressing barriers to digital inclusion for First Nations communities and people with disability.

ACCAN recently submitted to the Australian Communication and Media Authority’s (ACMA) consultation on the Proposed approach to expiring spectrum licenses. ACCAN’s submission supports the ACMA’s proposed 4-stage process for considering renewals of expired spectrum licenses (ESL).

Additionally, our submission supports:

ACCAN recently submitted to the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts (the Department) on the Request for Information (RFI) – National Audit of Mobile Coverage. In addition to ACCAN’s comments on the RFI Response Form, we further recommended that the Department:

Telecommunications tower

With the impending shut down of 3G networks and reallocation of spectrum for a range of uses, there is a great deal of discussion about what is spectrum and its essentiality in our daily lives. It is also an issue that many consumers, understandably, know little about. This article aims to provide some high-level information on spectrum, its uses and its importance to all of us, with as little technical jargon as possible.

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Period: 1 March – 31 May 2023

ACCAN recently submitted to the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts (the Department) on the Peri-Urban Mobile Program (PUMP) Round 2 draft guidelines. ACCAN's submission recommended that the Department should:

  • Amend clause 3.4.3 to make it mandatory to recognise the in-kind funding co-contributions of third parties.
  • Promote a data-driven approach to site selection through service reliability.