Read full article: Top Tips for phones and internetOur Top tips for Phones and Internet consumer information pack consists of six brochures telecommunications consumer issues including:

  • How to use less data on your smartphone

  • Tips for picking a good value NBN internet plan

  • What affects the quality of my broadband?

  • 5 things you need to know about NBN

  • How to make a complaint that gets heard

  • Telecommunications compensation - What are your rights?

These brochures cover issues that are regularly experienced by many consumers. The brochures are full of useful tips and advice; the pack is designed to be a go to guide to help consumers navigate the often confusing telecommunications market.

We encourage you to download the PDF and accessible Word versions of the brochures below and share them with your friends, family, colleagues and stakeholders. If you'd like to source the professionally printed versions, please contact us.


How to use less data on your smartphone

Tips for picking a good value NBN internet plan

What affects the quality of my broadband

5 things about NBN

How to make a complaint that gets heard

 Commpensation brochure images


How to use less data on your smartphone

Our tip sheet: How to use less data on your smartphone

Download: docxHow to use less data on your smartphone brochure41.26 KB

Download: pdfHow to use less data on your smartphone brochure124.99 KB

Tips for picking a good value NBN internet plan

Our blog post: Tips for picking a good value NBN internet plan

Download: docxTips for picking a good value NBN internet plan brochure43.07 KB

Download: pdfTips for picking a good value NBN internet plan brochure222.15 KB

What affects the quality of my broadband?

Our tip sheet: What affects the quality of my broadband?

Download: docxWhat affects the quality of my broadband brochure40.75 KB

Download: pdfWhat affects the quality of my broadband brochure404.28 KB

5 things you need to know about NBN

Our tip sheet: 5 things you need to know about NBN

Download:docx5 things you need to know about NBN45.34 KB

Download: pdf5 things you need to know about NBN204.2 KB

How to make a complaint that gets heard

Our tip sheet: How to make a complaint that gets heard

Download: docxHow to make a complaint that gets heard brochure41.28 KB

Download: pdfHow to make a complaint that gets heard brochure218.32 KB

Telecommunications compensation - What are your rights?

Our tip sheet: Telecommunications compensation

Download: docxTelecommunications compensation - What are your rights? brochure41.39 KB

Download: pdfTelecommunications compensation - what are your rights? brochure2.9 MB