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Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University

Project title: Personal Cloud Use in Australia: Consumer expectations, experience and impact on communications consumption

Grant round: 2014

Grant: $38,699.60

This RMIT research examined the emerging area of cloud services. Researchers compared data on consumer contracts and analysed the terms and conditions of personal cloud services. Users and non-users of cloud services participated in focus groups and a national survey to discern consumer behaviour, experiences and expectations.

The aim of the research was to facilitate consumer comparison of different cloud provider models and articulate the benefits and risks associated with cloud computing.

The project produced a comprehensive analysis of the current state and evolution of personal cloud services in Australia, making a number of policy recommendations and produced a set of guidelines in the form of an infographic poster to help consumers navigate the cloud service provider marketplace.

Researchers: Alemayehu Molla, Vanessa Cooper, Ahmad Abareshi, Siddhi Pittayachawan